Friday, August 23, 2019

SCIE210 Unit 2IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SCIE210 Unit 2IP - Research Paper Example Fact number two suggest that women may opt to delay having children, and the last fact is that they may even opt not to have children at all. All those facts will lead to low birth rates and low death rates because there will be an improvement in health care and nutrition (Kenkel, 2001). Economically, there will be an increment of old people depending on pension schemes for survival. In another definition, demographic transition refers to changes in high birth rates to low birth rates and change in high death rates to low death rates (Kenkel, 2001). In this stage, a society will experience high birth and death rates. Since the two rates are high, there will be a very slow growth in population. The population will belong to the young generation because many people born do not live long (Chesnais, 1992). In this stage, children are economically valued in the families because they reinforce high birth rates. The main economic activity that they contribute to is carrying water and firewood, caring for young ones below them, cooking, and working in fields. There are very few education opportunities hence; the cost of raising children is higher than the cost of feeding them (Chesnais, 1992). In this stage, a country enters an industrialization period, which facilitates a drop in the death rates rapidly. There are two factors attributed for the drop in death rates. The first factor is improved food production and improved health facilities and sanitation. The country turns into more efficient food production methods and better transportation and food distribution methods (Galor & Moay, 2002). At this stage, death due to starvation is eradicated and the population will be growing. Population growth is witnessed due to reduced death rates and stabilized birth rates. It is important to note that population does not grow due to increased fertility but due to reduction in death rates. Therefore, birth rate maintains its pace while more people continue to live

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