Saturday, August 24, 2019

Role of a Student Nurse in Higher Education and Future Healthcare Essay

Role of a Student Nurse in Higher Education and Future Healthcare - Essay Example As the discussion declares  there is a need to change the nursing practice in the transformation of the health care system. Nurses find themselves in providing care to people from diverse cultures. In addition, technological advancements in the medical field present new treatment approaches.  From the report it is clear that  the current transformation of Health Care demands that nurses take up more roles and responsibilities in the society. For example, nurses are required to develop their leadership skills to advocate for improved services. Nurses are also required to collaborate with other medical practitioners in the provision of quality care. Currently, nurses have been engaged in many changes. For example in 2010, the NHS England engaged nurses and other practitioners in the development of a new approach to patient care. The collaboration involved 269 groups of nurses together with other practitioners, who provided recommendations on how to bring care closer to the people in the society according to NHS England. The NHS England has recommended several approaches to care to bridge the gap between cheap and affordable care in the society.  Nurses in their professional careers are required to be committed to their role in providing care and ensuring the well-being of patients. The value of competence requires professional nurses to be up to date with knowledge and understanding of the needs of the patients.

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