Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Process Design Matrix and Summary Essay Example for Free

Process Design Matrix and Summary Essay This process design matrix and executive summary will focus on Chapman Tool and Manufacturing and there performance measurement process. This executive summary is needed for Chapman Manufacturing due to their lack of process performance management that will include service approaches, that consist of production line, self-service, and personal attention approaches. This summary will also cover product approaches for their process performance measurements that consist of, batch assembly line and continuous flow approaches. This executive summary of process performance measurement will quantitatively tell Chapman Manufacturing something important about their products, services, and any of the processes that produce them. To conclude this summary, this tool will help Chapman Manufacturing understand, manage, and improve the company’s processes. To begin, the first service approach for Chapman’s process performance management consist of production line approach to improve the company’s performance efficiently and effectively. â€Å"Performance management means addressing any and all performance issues, meaning feedback for performance that is not up to par with procedure as well as praising employees for a job well done.† (Mayhew, R. 2013) Chapman starts with each employee receiving their performance file that includes their consistency, effectiveness, and efficiency for their progress for success and promotions. These performance measurements, that includes their 10-15 machines of production line approaches. There will be a selection on running their machine to run perfect parts or to make changes but this way they have it recorded and make the changes as needed. The second service approach for the process performance measurement plan consists of, a self-service approach. Chapman Tool and Manufacturing will be implementing EMC2 consulting services with HR and then management to assure that every activity provides meaningful value. (EMC2, 2013). At Chapman there are a lot  of fragmented processes that can be avoided so financially and human resources are not drained and diminish any chances of keeping up with changing markets and customer demand. There are self-service approaches in this change for the process performance management plan for every employee (machine operators etc†¦) that include, â€Å"Streamline processes to expedite new product introduction, Standardize, integrate, and improve existing processes, Design and implement new processes, Simulate and model processes for operators, Define process metric and performance management strategies.†(EMC2 , 2013). The third service approaches for the process performance management plan consist of personal attention approach. Chapman should implement the personal attention approach that will include specific competencies that will best be determined through a job analysis process. Competencies that will be included in this personal attention job analysis approach will consist of, Accountability and dependability Adaptability and flexibility Advocating causes Analysis and reasoning Attention to detail Business alignment Coaching and mentoring Creative and innovative thinking Customer focus Decision making and judgment All of these competency functions are to determine each employee’s performance file and documented with constructive criticism and praise to becoming successful with and for the company. Chapman also needs to implement product approaches for their process performance management plan. The first product approach that will be implemented is known as a batch approach. A batch approach can be known as a lean manufacturing process also and focus’s on demand-based flow manufacturing. â€Å"This type of production setting, inventory is pulled through each production center when it is  needed to meet production orders; this will deliver the benefits of, Decreased cycle time Less inventory Increased productivity Increased capital equipment utilization.† (Wiki, 2013) The second product approach for Chapman’s process performance management plans consist of, assembly line approach. By Chapman implementing the assembly line approach, will keep all operators on the same page and get product sent to the next department for the assembly of the product being put together. Then finally are sent to the final department to be inspected and shipped. Having different departments for the processes of the product, and having an assembly line approach for each step will keep the company’s organization on line for their performance management. The third product approach for Chapman’s process performance management plans consist of, a continuous flow approach. The continuous flow approach are implemented through the â€Å"lean building blocks†, like, â€Å"Five S: Aims to bring orderliness, tidiness , and cleanliness to operations , Visual controls: All tooling parts and other production activities are kept clearly in view to help eve ryone understand the status of the process at a glance. Poka-Yoke: Mistake Proofing. Process designs can be modified to make it nearly impossible for mistakes, spills, leaks, and other process upsets to occur. By implementing these techniques and others will uphold the continuous flow approach for the process performance management plan for Chapman Manufacturing. In conclusion, the process design matrix and executive summary was focused on Chapman Tool and Manufacturing and what their performance measurement process entailed. The executive summary was needed for Chapman Manufacturing due to their lack of process performance management that was included in these service approaches that consisted of production line, self-service, and personal attention approaches. The summary also covered product approaches for their process performance measurements that consisted of, batch, assembly line, and continuous flow approaches. The executive summary that entailed their process performance measurements will quantitatively tell Chapman Manufacturing something important about their products, services, and any of the processes that  produced them. To conclude this summary, this tool will ensure that Chapman Manufacturing understands, manages, and improves the company’s processes for their future business and profits. References EMC2, (2013). Business process management. Retrieved on January 2, 2013 from Lean Manufacturing (2013). Wikipedia. Retrieved on January 2, 2013 from Mayhew, R. (2013). Development of an employee performance plan. Retrieved on January 3, 2013 from

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