Friday, September 13, 2019

RELATIONAL DATA MODEL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

RELATIONAL DATA MODEL - Essay Example I use a Windows 7 operating system; therefore I used the Oracle developer client Program to connect to connect to the database. However, I experienced some challenges while using the command prompt to type the required commands. Additionally, I was not sure at which step am I supposed to create my user name and password that will allow me to connect to the database. After a few trials the connection was set and I was able to test the connection successfully. According to the connection steps and instructions this allowed me to connect to the database as a developer. Hence, I was logged in to the Sql developer environment. Viewing data and properties of any table involves selection of the table and selecting data to be able to view the records that are stored in the table. The properties such as constraints can also be viewed by selecting the constraints tab in the connections frame. Other properties can be viewed by selecting the appropriate tabs in the connections frame. Selection of data from a table in Oracle database is achieved by using queries. The SELECT statement is used to select data and records from a table or views. By using additional commands, selection can be narrowed down to specific criteria. The SELECT statement is simple to use but requires mastery of the syntax to be used , it has both the select list such as columns from a particular table and a source list that specifies the table from which the records and data are to be sourced. SELECT statement helped me to select all the columns from the Employee table. Selection of specific columns required mentioning the column names in the SELECT statement command. These data could also be narrowed down to specific items matching specific criteria. The process is simple but requires mastery of the syntax to be included in the SELECT statement. Data can be selected from several tables from the same database. The data can then be used for reporting purposes. The

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