Saturday, September 14, 2019

Lord of the Flies †An Alternative Ending Essay

Ralph looked up. He knew he was imagining things, and that had to stop. He focused on the essential things in life. Pigs. Sharpening sticks. Killing. Ralph stood and, set with a determination to fuel his desires, he exited the cave. He had been living in the cave for the past month. There was nothing left on his body save for a loincloth and markings on his body. He had been different from the other people since discovering the power. The power to kill the remaining survivors. Ralph walked down to the beach. The palm trees and sandy beaches were once a haven to the boys. Once. Now they were just obstacles in a war for both sides. Since Simon had died, and Piggy had disappeared, the â€Å"hunters† were fighting a war against Ralph. But luckily, none of the boys had been brave enough to kill Ralph ever since that fateful night. Ralph closed his eyes and let his memories take over. ***** It was dark that night. The boys had given up trying to chase down Ralph. Ralph had retreated to a cave, but he was too impatient to wait till the morning. He wanted to try to persuade the Hunters to change their allegiances to him. He was walking towards the sandy beach towards the rocky outcrop, taking his time, anything to delay persuading the hunters. His new found conscience was urging him along. â€Å"Go, Ralph! You might never get another chance like this!† â€Å"No!† Ralph cried! The conscience retorted, â€Å"What happened if you were bullied by a boy? Would you go confront the boy, or run away like a coward?† â€Å"This is different! These are boys, humans, like me!† yelped Ralph. â€Å"Just do it. Get it over with.† The conscience insisted. Ralph considered, â€Å"5 minutes only.† When he reached the rocky outcrop, Ralph decided to climb up the steep and potentially hurtful rock in secret for fear that the hunters would see him and not allow Ralph up to discuss matters. As he climbed to the top, the rock he was reaching for suddenly came loose and gravity took hold. Ralph prayed that the rock that hit the bottom wouldn’t make a sound. Luckily, it hit the waves and was dragged out by the tide. As Ralph struggled over the top, he saw 5 spears pointed at him, like deadly stakes. â€Å"Why are you here?† spat a savage. â€Å"I need to talk †¦ to all of you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  gasped Ralph, tired from climbing up the rock. â€Å"Get lost†¦ We don’t need to talk to you. You and us have nothing to do with each other!† snarled a savage. Roger, Ralph guessed from the intensity of the words. â€Å"It concerns about being rescued.† Ralph said with the ferocity of being a leader. â€Å"How ’bout we just kill you?† â€Å"Because I want to speak with Jack!† Ralph said the last three words ferociously, hurling himself over the edge. â€Å"What do you want?† spoke a quiet, bored voice from the darkness. â€Å"I have come to offer a treaty† â€Å"Get out.† Ralph’s anger, hatred and bitter emotions flowed out of his body in a rush of fury. â€Å"No.† he spoke with hatred about Piggy. â€Å"Get out before I kill you!!† roared Jack. thump. thump. thump. â€Å"Ignore th-!† screamed the conscience. The savages jeered â€Å"We’ll just roast you on a spit, just like a pig!† thump. Thump. THUMP. â€Å"KILL THEM!!!† shrieked the conscience with a sheer overwhelming force of hatred and cunning. Suddenly, Roger lunged for Ralph. Without warning, Ralph’s hands came up †¦ and found them on Roger’s throat. Ralph could feel this reborn conscience taking over his body†¦ and his mind. He was powerless to do anything or stop his hands. He felt the conscience growing bigger, and making him weaker. Soon, he was the conscience, and vice versa. â€Å"STOP!!!† Ralph screeched, â€Å"You’re meant to be my conscience, not take it over!† The conscience laughed â€Å"Too late, Ralph. You missed your chance. What goes around, comes around.† With a growing sense of horror, Ralph was watching, through his own eyes, the terror that unfolded. He felt the conscience becoming more and more confident, and he closed his hand on the neck. Of course, Roger struggled, however, he was no match for somebody who was strangling him with two hands. After a few seconds, Roger stopped moving. Subsequently, everybody in the vicinity could hear a sharp snap. Suddenly, panic broke out. Everybody but Ralph and Roger started screaming, and all of them were in a frenzy trying to escape – from the monster that had become Ralph. The horror of killing something worse than just a pig, about killing Roger simply for absolutely no reason, or that Ralph was always the one to uphold justice but was practicing otherwise. Feeling the blood gushing down his hands, the screams of the littleuns and biguns, the feeling of a cold hard body in his hands. His heart beat faster and faster, and he screamed. His head spun and he dry heaved. He was becoming more and more nauseated as he plummeted into the abyss. Claws grabbed him from below and tried to rip his skin. Blood materialized in his vision, but it wasn’t Ralph’s – it was Roger’s blood. He felt a searing pain on his arms and his head hurt so much†¦ ***** Ralph painfully opened his eyes. He wasn’t used to the amount of sunlight on his face – not anymore. He climbed up the rock leading to the savages’ hideout, intent on inflicting pain onto them, not caring about being rescued, about the honor of the fire, or the conch. For he, had become the Beast.

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