Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Use of Proper Judgment in Othello :: Othello essays

A central tenet of Othello is the concept of proper judgment, and to always use it when devising decisions. The renaissance definition of proper judgment can be illustrated by the hierarchy of proper judgment. Governing all is reason, which includes understanding and will. Below reason atomic number 18 common sense, memory, and imagination. Finally, at the bottom are the 5 senses, emotions, and passions. In order to judge properly, it was believed that reason had to govern all else. Proper judgment could never amount if only one item was relied upon to make the decision. In Othello, Shakespeare uses this concept to demonstrate how proper judgment occurs, and the consequences when it does not. The first scene in which proper judgment is apply is when the Duke makes a decision as to what should be done about the expected Turkish invasion. He does not immediately act on the information he receives, instead, he thinks out the steps logically. When he states, I do not so secur e me in the error, but the main article I do approve in the fearful sense (I 3 12-14), he is showing that he will not rely solely on the information he is receiving, but also use common sense, memory, and understanding, and therefore judge properly. Only after Proper judgment was used did he take action, and therefore turn away disaster. The Duke is a model of Proper judgment who can be compared to other characters in the play to show their weaknesses and shortcomings. In the same scene, proper judgment is exhibit again by the Duke, when he is faced with the mater of Othello marrying Desdemona. Initially, the Duke rejects snotty-nosed judgment by promising to allow Brabantio to sentence whoever had done this to whatever punishment he saw fit, without analyzing the situation further, and without even knowing who that man was. However, upon assessing the situation more, he realizes the consequences of not using Proper judgment, and, after hearing all sides of the story, tell Brabantio to read up this mangled matter at best. Men do their broken weapons rather use than their bare hands (I 3 199-201). Later on, he gives Brabantio wise advice when he tells him that to mourn a mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief in (I 3

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