Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Language Essay -- Essays Papers

LanguageLanguage is essential language is what we use to communicate among others. It is something that joins us retributive as strongly as it separates us. There are many opposite languages in the world but really they are all bound by definite rules, they all micturate a format that they follow, all of them have, nouns, verbs, tenses, and adjectives. Language is almost like a math, the point of it is that when you speak, you try to reach a conclusion with a different person, and in math you use equations to solve problems and reach conclusions, one is numbers the other is words. Math is not easy, and learning a Language mountain be challenging. I came here from Mexico years ago, and I still remember how it was to not know how to communicate. I had to learn and I did now Im what you would call bilingual. While learning the language I was also adapting to culture, to a totally different life style than the one I was used to, learning a different language was in a way helpful in adapting to this new world because it opened doorways for me which would be closed with out it. In my younger years it seemed routine but now that I am older and reflect on my experience I can relate to those who just came here and have a language barrier, its almost like being handicapped. When I read the Tan essay, it hit close to fireside for me, because I knew what a language barrier feels like, I knew how people could take advantage of you because they assume that you are stupid, the thing is that society makes assumptions about people who have a language barrier, they make fun of kids who go to bilingual class, where in fact those kids are learning something that the other ones in the future can lone(prenominal) wish that they could have learned. When it comes t... ... key factor, our ability to communicate. In schools they should have kids talk to each other, have the Caucasian boy talk to the Asiatic girl, let them learn from each other, because when a child is young it s mind is pure, its not programmed yet, so lets fill that mind with useful things which will teach them gross profit margin to others, and so we could filter our society of people who will look at a Mexican and call him a spic. Our society is full of different people, tall people, short people, rich, poor, but there is only one thing that brings all those people together and that is language. When you read this paper you will make a comment on it, post it, write it down, do whatever with it, but anyway you look at it, you will use a language, and the moment you do my point is made, that language is a essential part of our society, and that we have to let it expand.

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