Thursday, October 31, 2019

TSA career Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

TSA career - Research Paper Example work, how these security threats are handled, the level of training necessary for such a job, which licenses or certificates are required, the existence of continuing education, and the extent to which professional development organizations for such a career exist. Firstly, with respect to the type of threats that a practitioner of this profession might encounter, they can of course be concentric upon having the potential to directly serve in the front lines of the fight against terrorism. As such, but a few potential threats that a practitioner might encounter would be concentric upon discovering explosives, weaponry, dealing with dangerous individuals, and seeking to placate unruly and/or frustrated passengers that are aggravated by the delays and inconveniences caused by the necessity to painstakingly check all passengers and carryon luggage. With respect to how a person in such a line of work addresses such security threats, the answer to such a question segues nicely into the third question regarding what training is necessitated to become a TSA agent. In order to equip the applicants with the level of expertise they will need in order to perform the functions of their job, the TSA training regimen requires that all students graduate from a mandatory 1-2 weeks of classroom instruction as well as participate in between 2-3 weeks of OTJ training overseen by a supervisor (Airport Security Careers 2012). However, like many federal positions, training is not something that is merely given at the outset of the career; rather, it is ongoing and requires constant metrics to be met through continuing education. Similarly, certificates of completion of the training and continuing education are constantly tracked. However, before starting one’s career as a TSA agent, it is necessary for one to successfully complete a background examination and credit history verification to ensure that the applicant has their financial affairs in order and does not have any

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