Thursday, October 31, 2019
TSA career Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
TSA career - Research Paper Example work, how these security threats are handled, the level of training necessary for such a job, which licenses or certificates are required, the existence of continuing education, and the extent to which professional development organizations for such a career exist. Firstly, with respect to the type of threats that a practitioner of this profession might encounter, they can of course be concentric upon having the potential to directly serve in the front lines of the fight against terrorism. As such, but a few potential threats that a practitioner might encounter would be concentric upon discovering explosives, weaponry, dealing with dangerous individuals, and seeking to placate unruly and/or frustrated passengers that are aggravated by the delays and inconveniences caused by the necessity to painstakingly check all passengers and carryon luggage. With respect to how a person in such a line of work addresses such security threats, the answer to such a question segues nicely into the third question regarding what training is necessitated to become a TSA agent. In order to equip the applicants with the level of expertise they will need in order to perform the functions of their job, the TSA training regimen requires that all students graduate from a mandatory 1-2 weeks of classroom instruction as well as participate in between 2-3 weeks of OTJ training overseen by a supervisor (Airport Security Careers 2012). However, like many federal positions, training is not something that is merely given at the outset of the career; rather, it is ongoing and requires constant metrics to be met through continuing education. Similarly, certificates of completion of the training and continuing education are constantly tracked. However, before starting one’s career as a TSA agent, it is necessary for one to successfully complete a background examination and credit history verification to ensure that the applicant has their financial affairs in order and does not have any
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Critical report to chief executive officer Essay
Critical report to chief executive officer - Essay Example source management, in the simplest sense can be defined as â€Å"getting things done through people.†This function of management has been in place throughout the history of mankind yet it is irrefutable that this function has evolved to incorporate significant developments. With these revolutions the focus shifted from how â€Å"get things done through people†to â€Å"getting people do things†for the company’s utmost benefit. This signals an alteration of the management perception of the human resource. Nowadays, there is a global recognition of the crucial role played by employees in attaining the goals of an organization as well as responsibility of management to harness the full potential of its workforce. This suggests the increasing role of the human resource department of becoming more involved and participating in the strategy making of the firm. The importance of human resource can never be overstated. John Purcell further highlighted the importance of employees in his research which emphasized the huge role played by the company’s workforce as â€Å"strategic partners.†This research strongly supports the highly economist viewpoint of Grant (2002: 219) of â€Å"aligning employees with organizational goals.†Schuler and Jackson (1987) gave a more precise description on how management should â€Å"align†their workforce to support the company crafted strategy. Their conclusion was: If management chooses a competitive strategy of differentiation through product innovation, this would call for high levels of creative, risk-orientated and cooperative behaviour. The company’s HR practices would therefore need to emphasise †¦ â€Å"selecting highly skilled individuals, giving employees more discretion, using minimal controls, making greater investment in human resources, providing more resources for experimentation, allowing and even rewarding failure and appraising performance for its long run implications†– on the other hand if management wants to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Womens Role In The Contemporary Society Sociology Essay
Womens Role In The Contemporary Society Sociology Essay In March 2011, Obamas administration released a report concerning the present womens condition in U.S.A.: it was really different from the one released 50 years ago, that represented the first report about the womens status requested by the president J.F. Kennedy. From the previous definition of perfect housewife in Kennedys administration report in 50s, nowadays women are described as a key feature of economy. Actually, women are in a difficult and controversial position: their condition is unstable, according to the deep contradictions between social roles and individual ambitions. In Women in America: Indicators of Social and Economical Well-Being, Valerie Jarret, Obamas counsellor, states that: As the report shows, women have made enormous progress on some fronts. Women have not only caught up with men in college attendance but younger women are now more likely than younger men to have a college or a masters degree. Women are also working more and the number of women and men in the labor force has nearly equalized in recent years. As womens work has increased, their earnings constitute a growing share of family income. (Jarrett, Tchen, iii) Unfortunately, it does not mean that gender equality has been reached. Indeed, the report stresses how all these achievements didnt bring to earning equality: American women have an income which is 75% less than mens one, according to the same level of education and job profile, in spite of the Equal Pay Act, which was passed in 1963 in order to overcome the gender pay gap. Moreover, women are also alone in their unequal condition: the married ones passed from 72% in 1970 to 62% in 2011; the single-parent family is mostly made by women, single or divorced, which brings them to an inferior social condition. This recent report doesnt portray, of course, a condition of gender equality. The long women path, made by great protests and important social and political achievements, reached a situation which is difficult to define and to change. Since 1950s women are fighting for their rights, and a lot of important historical changes were traced on the common people way of thinking. It does not regard only political and social stances, but also the way in which women were perceived and symbolized by traditional culture and media. The only way to understand how to give a change to the social role of the women in the contemporary society consists in tracing a trajectory that starts from the beginning of their fight and comes to our period. Just in this way it is possible to get the awareness of what can be improved and what deserves to be saved. Family, motherhood, domestic life: after the second war world, these were the most important concepts which leaded the American women condition. In 50s, home was the symbol of the family life, after the wealthy period brought by the economic growth, and every single family had its own house and was able to spend their incomes in consumer goods. According to that, the freedom of the American women could have its own expression in the house-life. The reaffirmation of the women as tutelary god of the domestic life became a symbol of stability in the post-war society. The post-war woman had to be the emblem of a calm and sexually reassuring femininity: maternity was the key-concept of the new femininity, which was meant as a symbol of the new successful American society. So, a political and social discourse leaded by the official history put women in an inferior position than mens one in the social scale. A turning point in the American women situation was brought by the publication of Friedans book The Feminine Mystique. The problem that has no name which is simply the fact that American women are kept from growing to their full human capacities is taking a far greater toll on the physical and mental health of our country than any known disease (Friedan, 433). In the same year, the federal report of the Commission on Status of women denounced their discrimination in the working, political and juridical spheres, claiming for fair salaries and maternity leave. Friedans voice reawakened women awareness of their condition: she talked about the feeling of frustration and social distress of the American women, who apparently lived in a comfortable and easy condition. It traced the beginning of the womens fight for their rights and for a new role in the society. It was characterized by an ideological feminist approach, which furthermore brought to the creation of associations for the defe nse of women rights. A real revolution against the common way of thinking gender discrimination took place in politics, society and media: in the 70s, the movement gained a series of political successes, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Act (1972), Womens Educational Equity Act (1974) and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (1978). Otherwise, the two historical achievements of the movement were about abortion and divorce: in 1973, abortion became legal in U.S.A. after a long case, Roe vs. Wade, which was discussed by the United States Supreme Court; in 1969, the governor of California, Ronald Reagan, signed the Family Law Act, in which it was considered legal the No-Fault Divorce, which was accepted by the other states by 1985. Afterward, in the XXI century, Friedan looked back to the women movement, stressing the important changes brought by its achievements: There is no doubt that the womens movement has transformed American society, opening life in many ways for women and men alike. There may be nostalgic yearnings for the feminine mystique, but women are no longer defined solely in terms of their relation sexual, maternal, or domestic to men. They are defining their lives themselves by their actions in society (Friedan 2002, 14). Her statement is important because it stresses the difference between the position of women in the past century and the present one. The fight for the rights brought to a great success for the women, and their role is, of course changed since the 50s. Otherwise, the contemporary society is characterized by a peaceful uncritical acceptance of the world as it is: people hear about political disparity, unjustified wars and social problems, without any deep will to change the sit uation. The affluent society brought a lot of life spheres to a paralysis, which symbolizes the pacific acceptance of the world as it is, with its precarious balances. It seems to be the repetition of that condition of  «mystique » defined by Friedman, but in this case applicable to the whole society. So, women also enjoyed the wellness effects on their position: after the great fight for rights, they reach a hypocritical equal role in the society as mens one. The path to the gender equality passed to a more intellectual stage: feminism became feminisms, that means a great division between all the women rights movements, according to their gender, racial, or religious approaches; in the universities an important field of studies, such as Women Studies, carried on important researches about womens culture and tradition. What appears as a present achieved condition of gender equality is, abruptly, contradicted by the above-mentioned 2011 federal report In Women in America: Indicators of Social and Economical Well-Being. The success in educational and political spheres does not correspond to an equal salary condition. Most of the women are also ostracized by important roles in the great companies, as well as in politics. Mass-media broadcast a feminine image based on the enhancement of the body, and the cultural icon of womens inferiority has not been deleted yet. Nowadays, the challenge is no more between mens and womens roles: it is evident that the matter is about a more wide range of social problems and inequalities which involve both men and women, and it results as a difficult stand-point to overcome. Indeed, a lot of recent studies shows as women discrimination is a matter of fact. As Julie Goldscheid stresses: Workplace inequality based on sex, as well as discrimination based on other protected characteristics, persist notwithstanding several decades of antidiscrimination laws (Goldscheid, 61). Otherwise, the 2011 federal report states that women are a key feature of the modern economy: in spite of it their role is corrupted and women have to face a constant discriminatory approach in their workplace. It does not depend any more from a social and political fight with mens power. It deals with the actual features of our contemporary society, which is not characterized by a shared solidarity in front of all the disparities. Most of the fights which had to be brought are left to the social minorities, which can just try to manage the problems, but they cant really face alone the spoiled facets of our community. For example, it is the case of the Chicano women movement: it was born in consequence of the success of the Chicano community in their fight for their minority rights in 60s, but the feminist association Comision Feminile Mexicana Nacional had to be created to fight for the adoption of bilingual consent form on the compulsory sterilization of women in U.S.A., in 1975. It shows how it does not exist a real solidarity between the different social members: even in the same community, it is difficult to fight for a common reason, and so everyone is facing the social unease on his own. Finally, another aspect of the matter to be faced is, of course, the strong influence that the society gender perspective plays in the process of womens identity self-determination. The tradition of women as a second sex, the other, the deviation from the norm which is male, seems to have been overcome by all the achievements in the past century: but the problem is still persisting, since nowadays the sociological researches emphasize the presence in the contemporary society of stereotypical standards of what a woman should be. As Izzard and Barden question: We also wished to think about what happens to a womans identity when she feels out of that fit when she cannot feel herself mirrored in the images that society presents to her of Woman. How does our society constrain women into or release them from narrow definitions? (Izzard and Barden, 2). It is a subtle discrimination, which represents the most difficult challenge of the matter, because it is the effect of the identity-making leaded by mass-media. Taking these points into consideration, I would say that a further step has to be made. It should represent a deep change in the approach to the matter. When I read The Future of Feminism, I completely agreed with Betty Friedan when she states that More than ever, we now have to think about moving to the second stage: the way to live the equality that we fought for in a world of diverse new family combinations of women, men, and children. The second stage is where we must move, women and men together. We need a new and politically active consciousness-raising to get us beyond the polarized and destructive male model of work and decision making and the undervalued womens model of life the model that takes it as inevitable that having children is a womans free individual choice to short-circuit permanently her earning power and her professional future (Friedan 2002, 15). Her opinion is important to understand the point in which we are stuck now: if one of the greatest leaders of the w omens right movement is ready to say that it is the moment to leave the fight against men, and work together in order to get new important achievements, it means that the times are changing. We cannot talk anymore about a fight for the main political rights, which were gained during the past 50 years, but the so-called  «second stage » should be a more conscious and shared struggle for real changes in our paralyzed wellness society. Nowadays, the everyday social problems are shared by both men and women: we are talking about temporary employment, child-care especially for individual families and mobbing in the workplace. It is a matter of fact that these social features are strongly linked with our lives, but as well the common tendency is to feel them as irrelevant to our existence. It results that it is the effect of media and socio-political discourse to lead us to the indifference and the uncritical acceptance of this reality. So, rethinking about the women movement fight as an important historical moment for the social achievements in order to reach gender equality is the key to start the  «second stage » of the struggle. Actually, the main step to be made in this second phase is, of course, a restructuring program of the work system, especially about its conditions. It is the first influence that society got in the everyday women, and as well men, lives: for example, thinking about individual families, managed by woman with a temporary job, it is evident that no help is given by governments to maintain her son. It is obvious that the first consequence is the dismissal of all those expectations about career, in favor of a low-profile job which let woman grows up her son. Furthermore, in the contemporary society the young generation is having great problems to face its career perspectives, because of the difficulties to find an employment. It involves especially women, who suffer more this social unease. As the 2011 federal report shows, their education level highly increased, but their salaries are still low because of the effects of the impasse which occurred in the job market. In conclusion, it is clear that great achievements were brought in gender equality process during the last fifty years. Women are considered a main feature of the economic system, and they are no more obliged to follow their so called housewife destiny. Otherwise, it is important to stress the need of new fights in order to contrast those sexual discriminating tendencies, which still exist in our society. The matter has to be meant as a global problem, and for this reason it should be shared by the different members of the community without any differences of gender and race. Media shouldnt corrupt our view about the society and its uneasiness: but, on the contrary, we should take advantage of our possibilities to face different realities around the world. For example, in Asia great developments are taking place, and the employment strategies for women are constantly elaborated in accordance with the changing society: as Leng Tang states, These developments imply less time spent on d omestic chores and child-raising, as well as greater possibilities for participating in employment outside the home throughout the life course (Leng Tang, 10). The need of gender equality is one of the most important aims to be pursued: but it can be gained just through great efforts made by all the members of the contemporary community, once more united to get their fundamental social rights. Sources Jarrett, Valerie and Tchen, Christina. Women in America: Indicators of Social and Economic Well-Being. Washington, U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration, March 2011. Jackson, David. White House Report: Women lag in pay, gain in education. USA Today, 01 March 2011. Gerson, Kathleen. Hard Choices: How Women Decide About Work, Career, and Motherhood. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. Print Friedan, Betty. The Feminine Mystique. In Peter B. Levy, 100 Key Documents in American Democracy, Westport: Greenwood, 1994. Print Friedan, Betty. The Future of Feminism. In Free Inquiry, Volume 19: Issue 3, 2002. Goldscheid, Julie. Gender Violence and Work: Reckoning with the Boundaries of Sex Discrimination Law. In Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, Volume 18: Issue 1, 2009. Izzard, Susannah and Barden, Nicola. Rethinking Gender and Therapy: The Changing Identities of Women. Philadelphia: Open University Press, 2001. Print Leng Tang, Leng. Old Challenges, New Strategies: Women, Work and Family in Contemporary Asia. Boston: Brill, 2004. Print
Friday, October 25, 2019
Metamorphosis Essay -- English Literature
Metamorphosis In the short story, Metamorphosis, the narrator describes Gregor’s new life as an insect. He then goes on to describe Gregor’s sister, Grete, with a reflection of Gregor’s opinion in the description. Kafka employs a number of stylistic devices including descriptive imagery, metaphors, and symbolism in the passage to describe the situation. While these devices on their own just provide a more complex method of painting the situation, the way they are assembled in the passage serves to depict a comparison of power between Gregor and Grete. The creation of such a multifaceted evaluation further increases the reader’s sympathy towards Gregor’s situation. Firstly, Gregor is characterized with many literary descriptors. â€Å"Sense of freedom†is the first occurrence of relevant descriptive imagery. The freedom is what he used to posses before the metamorphosis, however he no longer has liberty outside his room. That is where the second image of â€Å"looking out†the window comes into play. The looking out symbolizes Gregor’s reflection on the liberties he used to posses when he could leave his room, and of the outdoors, there by limiting his experiences. This is supported with the imagery of his vision weakening. The imagery reflects a tone of pessimism, in that Gregor is loosing hope for a recovery. All the imagery serves to sympathies with Gregor because his situation is depicted as bleak. The symbol of Gregor’s knowledge is his vision, which is the primary medium for humans gain knowledge. With his sight diminishing, he is no longer able to discover as much as would be able to normally and even starting to disbelieve his previous knowledge. This is mentioned when he said that if he had not known ... ...nd blended indistinguishably into each other. His quick witted sister only needed to observe twice that the armchair stood by the window; after that, whenever she had tidied the room, she always pushed the chair back to the same place at the window and even left the inner casements open. If he could have spoken to her and thanked her for all she had to do for him, he could have more her ministrations better; as it was, they oppressed him. She certainly tried to make light as possible of whatever was disagreeable in her task, and as time went on he succeeded, of course, more and more, but time bought more enlightenment to Gregor too. The very way she came in distressed him. Hardly was she in the room when she rushed to the window, without even taking time to shut the door, carefully as she was usually to shield the sight of Gregor’s room from the others.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Clean Edge Razor: Splitting Hairs in Product Positioning Essay
A well-known health and beauty company, Paramount is launching a high-technology nondisposable razor, Clean Edge. They are searching for the most efficient way to gain market share. Their concerns come down to three main problems: whether they should target niche market and price the product in the super-premium segment, or aim mainstream market and gain broad appeal, ;whether they should just emphasize the product name â€Å"Clean Edge†or add â€Å"Paramount†at the front to broaden brand image;whether they should sustain current market allocations and focus on niche market or increase the marketing budget for extensive advertisement in the mainstream market. Analysis In the past, nondisposable razors merely served as hair removing tool for the vast majority of the population. However, according to Exhibit 1, as personal images became important in social life, hair removing routine became a means of gaining confidence for some people. For this reason, customers started to seek nondisposable razor that not only effectively removes hair but also protects skin, and further gives them sense of luxury by utilizing the best technology. Understanding customers’ tendency to always search for newest and advanced products, Paramount developed Clean Edge using their unique technology. Although they were confident about quality of their product, their competitive position was not stable. They had two big competitors, Benet & Klein and Prince which already had loyal customers throughout the world, not to mention other new competitors that started to threaten Paramount with their groundbreaking products. Moreover, because Benet & Klein and Prince’ s expenditures in advertising exceeded those of Paramount, it was difficult for Paramount to take away the market share and brand recognition. Using 4P strategy to analyze Paramount’s potential was helpful. Clean Edge is a very competitive and advanced product that can attract a lot of men of all ages. They also have increasing retail channels that allow them to sell Clean Edge in a diversity of venues. The problem occurs when determining the price of this product and finding promotional outlets. If the price of Clean Edge is lower than other existing nondisposable razors, it certainly would gain broader appeal, but will not be welcomed by customers who are looking for high-end products. This possibly would bring about cannibalization, eating out their own brand image. On the other hand, if the price is higher than other existing nondisposable razors, it may successfully enter niche market, but customers who are already loyal to Paramount may be wooed away to seek for other brands. Their decision on a proper price point also influences their promotional strategies. If they decide to remain in the niche market they only need to target a specific customer group who would be intrigued b y their products, thus, their expenditures in advertising would likely decrease. This is more effortless and direct, since Paramount is already aware of the demographic segment of the market. However, they would have to cultivate certain promotional strategies to build firm and intimate relationship with potentially would become loyal customers of Paramount. If they maintain a mainstream position, their revenue would increase since they would sell more, but they would have to conceive ways of getting more customers involved, from advertisements using media to discount promotions. This can be clearly seen in Exhibit 7. Although in niche positioning, production unit cost is higher and unit volume is much lower than in mainstream positioning, advertising and promotion costs are more than two times lower. Their effort of reaching out to more people is revealed in promotion costs. Recommendation Niche Market – From Exhibit 5, it is clear that Paramount’s market share is steadily increasing while other competitors’ market shares are slightly fluctuating. This is definitely the perfect timing for Paramount to improve their brand quality by entering to the niche market, at the same time slowing down strong growth of new competitors. According to financial data (see appendix 1), it is true that net profit is much higher in mainstream positioning, due to higher volume and lower unit cost. However, considering that Paramount’s nondisposable razor market share is continuously increasing from Paramount Pro and Avail, which are not super-premium products, suddenly introducing Clean Edge in the mainstream market to get mass appeal would cannibalize Paramount’s existing brands, potentially degrading Paramount as a ‘cheap brand’. Do not keep â€Å"by the Paramount†label – Considering that Prince and Benet & Klein are stil l better known to customers not just for the razors but also for other health and beauty products, it is uneasy for Paramount to get their brand name widespread in the market, especially when they are spending less budget on advertising. Radiance, the new competitor that specifically targeted super-premium razor market and spent $16.1 million dollars on advertising in 2010, successfully entered and survived the competition, and gradually gained title of ‘super-premium’ brand. On the other hand, because Paramount originally started with mid-low priced value products, it is difficult to predict customers’ reaction when they launch Clean Edge with the name of Paramount. Predictions may vary but some customers would not trust the high-end products made by Paramount. Since some Paramount executives believe design is the major breakthrough that will differentiate Clean Edge from other nondisposable razors, Paramount can start off with a whole new image, without having to attach their brand name. A good example is Lexus, the luxury vehicle division of Japanese automaker Toyota Motor Corporation. One of the biggest reasons why Lexus gained worldwide profit was because they did not emphasize the quotidian brand of Toyota. Sustain current allocations but partially increase advertising budget- Advertising is a necessity when it comes to launching new product. Nonetheless Clean Edge has a groundbreaking design, without the support of advertisement, it is impos sible to attract customers to try new products. It is reasonable to put more budget allocations, but using a completely different approach from mainstream positioning. Promotions such as free trials or cents-off coupons are for customer groups that are easily affected by fluctuating prices. What Paramount is aiming for is the customer groups that are seeking for high-end luxury products that would generate social and emotional satisfaction. Traditional TV and Newspaper advertisements may suit such a niche market, since a lot of customers who tend to use nondisposable razors are in older age groups. Accordingly, good customer service in making them feel special is essential to the niche market. Especially because involved razor users believe shaving is a way of improving their self-esteem, they would want to be treated in a way that they are being cared. Using social media to constantly connect with the customers is a great approach to win over customers’ mind. Allocating budget in customer service therefore, is another w ay to gain loyal customers.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Amusement park dangers Essay
How many people have to die, or sustain serious injury from amusement park rides before the federal government steps in and regulates the amusement park industry? Rosy Esparza’s family had every right to believe that she would return from the Texas Giant roller coaster without harm or injury. However, Esparza fell to her death on the Texas Giant roller coaster at Six Flags Over Texas. Incidents like this are sadly becoming a more common event in the United States at amusement and waterparks. In fact, the number of fatalities per passenger mile on roller coasters is greater than the amount of tragedies on passenger trains, passenger buses, or passenger planes. These tragedies often occur because the rides are not independently inspected, inspections are not done frequently enough, accidents are not made public and the accidents are investigated by the parks. The federal government needs to create national safety standards for all rides at amusement parks, so that every amusement park patron can enjoy the park as it is intended without fear of injury or death. Less than three months after the death of Esparza the Texas Giant has been re-opened , and back in full operation. The roller coaster underwent extensive testing, and received approval from the Texas Department of Insurance to resume operations, however the findings of the testing are not available to the public due to ongoing litigation. Even though Texas Six Flags has claimed no fault for the Esparza accident; the park has added incremental and overlapping safety features. These safety features include redesigned restraint-bar pads and new seat belts. So the question is, are the department of insurance officials, who inspected this ride in the past, sufficient enough to make sure these rides are safe for future riders? Amusement park rides should be inspected by an independent third party, which has no financial interest in the amusement park. Having the insurance company inspect the rides is not sufficient; all rides should be investigated by inspectors with the mechanical aptitude to know if the ride is in proper working condition. The United States has trained safety inspectors for baby strollers, bikes, and motorized ride-on toys; shouldn’t rides that travel up to heights of 456 feet and at 128 miles per hour have safety inspectors also? Currently there are no federal regulations on amusement park rides, so there are no reliable national statistics of injuries on amusement park rides. Each state has its own regulations for amusement parks; some states do not have any regulations of amusement park rides. Many states do not have an inspection force and rely on insurance investigators to inspect and or approve these rides. However, most states do require the rides be inspected annually, but these regulations are not enforced. According to state records more than half of Pennsylvania’s permanent amusement parks and water parks did not turn in all of their required inspections. In fact, the state agency had no reports at all for 12 of the 117 state amusement and water parks. Following the death of a child on a roller coaster ride at Disney’s MGM studios in Orlando, Florida, lawmakers began the process of trying to pass the National Amusement Park Ride Safety Act. This act was introduced by Congressman Ed Markey, a Democrat from Massachusetts, in 2005. The act calls for fixed-site park rides to fall under the regulation act of the U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The commission currently only oversees traveling carnival rides, because fixed-site theme park rides are exempt from federal oversight. Even though the fixed-site rides are rode more frequently than traveling carnival rides they are subject to less regulations. Many of these rides are operated hundreds of times a day, seven days per week but only inspected once during the year. There needs to be a regulation that all rides are to be inspected a minimum of quarterly to find any mechanical issues that may pose a danger to riders. Because some of these rides travel in excess of 100 miles per hour they should face similar safety standards as automobiles which do not travel at such a high rates of speed. Another issue with the absence of federal regulations among amusement park rides is that, when an accident or mechanical failure occurs, the parks are the ones conducting the investigation and the findings of the investigation are not made public. Also, if there is no media attention about the accident or mechanical failure, the accident is unknown to the public. The federal government should create a database for all amusement parks that includes all of the rides for each. The database should include all mechanical failures of all rides in the past 12 months, any accidents in the past 12 months and the last four quarterly inspections for the ride. That way, amusement park patrons can make informed decisions whether to go to certain amusement parks and ride particular rides. Amusement-park patrons should have the right to know the history of the park and all rides, prior to riding them. With all of the things that have federal regulations, it is hard to believe that amusement park rides do not have federal inspections and regulations. In an effort to ensure these rides are safe for the public to ride and enjoy, the federal government needs to establish national safety standards for all riders at amusement parks. If national safety standards and inspections can save the life of one person, aren’t they worth creating? Works Cited Moser, Jeff. â€Å"Family sues over Texas Giant death on the same day Six Flags says it will reopen ride. †The Dallas Morning News September 10, 2013: Newspaper Source. Web. 31 Oct. 2013 Pataro, Luca. â€Å"Scary rides, scary risks: more than 300 million people visit U. S. amusement facilities and safely enjoy 1. 8 billion rides each year. But for a small number of thrill-seekers, good times can become a matter of life and death. †Risk Management. Aug. 2007: 50+. Biography In Context. Web. 26 Oct. 2013. Watson, Stephen T. â€Å"Recent tragedies strap in safety as peak concern. †Buffalo News, The (NY) 23 Aug. 2011: Newspaper Source. Web. 26 Oct. 2013.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
5 formas de obtener la ciudadanÃÂa americana
5 formas de obtener la ciudadanà a americana La ciudadanà a americana brinda, entre otros derechos, poder vivir y trabajar sin restricciones en los Estados Unidos y viajar con el pasaporte de ese paà s. Es muy comà ºn pensar que la nacionalidad estadounidense sà ³lo se obtiene si se nace en el paà s, pero eso es una idea equivocada. De hecho, son 5 los posibles caminos para obtener la ciudadanà a americana: nacimiento, sangre, naturalizacià ³n, derivacià ³n o adopcià ³n. A continuacià ³n, los requisitos para cada caso. Ciudadanos de EE.UU. por nacimiento en ese paà s La forma ms comà ºn de adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà a estadounidense es por jus soil que es por nacimiento en cualquiera de los 50 estados que componen los Estados Unidos de Amà ©rica o en alguno de sus territorios como, por ejemplo, Puerto Rico, Islas Và rgenes Americanas, Guam y las Islas Marianas del Norte. Casi todos los nacidos en Estados Unidos son ciudadanos americanos. La excepcià ³n son los hijos de padres extranjeros que se encuentran temporalmente en EE.UU. trabajando como diplomticos para el gobierno de otro paà s. Ello se debe a que los diplomticos no estn sujetos a la jurisdiccià ³n de Estados Unidos. La ciudadanà a americana para el resto de los nacidos en el paà s est protegida por la Enmienda 14 de la Constitucià ³n. No importa el estatus migratorio de los padres. Si un bebà © nace en Estados Unidos o en uno de sus territorios el nià ±o es estadounidense aunque uno o los dos padres sean indocumentados. En este punto cabe destacar que es importante obtener cuanto antes el certificado de nacimiento del nià ±o, el Nà ºmero del Seguro Social y, si es posible, el pasaporte estadounidense. Si un menor sale de EE.UU. sin pasaporte de este paà s podrà a tener ms tarde problemas para regresar como estadounidense si no es posible probar que la madre estaba en EE.UU. en la fecha de nacimiento o si se le cambian los apellidos o el nombre al nà ±o y no coinciden exactamente con los de su certificado de nacimiento americano. Tambià ©n se estn dando problemas en el caso de menores estadounidenses hijos de indocumentados que salen de EE.UU. ellos solos y con pasaporte americano y à ©ste expira estando en otro paà s. En este caso podrà a haber problemas para renovarlo porque los padres indocumentados siguen en EE.UU. y no pueden presentarse con el nià ±o al consulado o a la embajada para pedir su renovacià ³n. La consecuencia de este problema es que el nià ±o podrà a no obtener su pasaporte para regresar a EE.UU. Finalmente, una aclaracià ³n a las personas de otros paà ses que pueden considerar venir a Estados Unidos a dar a luz para asà asegurarse el pasaporte estadounidense para el recià ©n nacido. Es una prctica que sà se realiza, pero conviene saber que el oficial migratorio puede impedir el ingreso a mujeres embarazadas extranjeras si no pueden probar que tienen cà ³mo pagar por un parto. Adems, deben conocerse los riesgos de tener un hijo en Estados Unidos con visa de turista y resaltar que los menores estadounidenses no cambian la situacià ³n migratoria de sus padres. Para que un hijo pueda pedir a sus padres es necesario que tenga 21 aà ±os de edad y, adems, se cumplan otros requisitos. Ciudadanà a americana por naturalizacià ³n La naturalizacià ³n es un trmite por el que un extranjero que es residente permanente legal solicita voluntariamente la ciudadanà a americana. La mayorà a de las naturalizaciones tienen lugar cuando un residente permanente legal solicita la ciudadanà a cinco aà ±os despuà ©s de haber conseguido la green card o de tres aà ±os si estn casados con un estadounidense. Adems, hay casos especiales de naturalizacià ³n: Ciudadanà a americana por los abuelosCiudadanà a para militaresAlgunos casos de adopcià ³n Se estima que en la actualidad aproximadamente ocho millones de residentes permanentes legales cumplen los requisitos para solicitar la ciudadanà a por naturalizacià ³n. Muchos no lo hacen porque le tienen miedo al examen de conocimientos histà ³ricos y cà vicos y, muy especialmente, al de inglà ©s. Sin embargo hay que tener en cuenta que existen excepciones y casos en los que no hay que rendir el examen de inglà ©s durante la naturalizacià ³n. Adems, en todo el paà s estn presentes organizaciones que dan clases gratis para preparar el examen de ciudadanà a. Los ciudadanos naturalizados adquieren, bsicamente, los mismos derechos que los ciudadanos por nacimiento. Sin embargo, no pueden aspirar a ser presidentes del paà s, un privilegio reservado a lo que se denomina natural born citizens. Por à ºltimo, despejar dos dudas muy comunes. En primer lugar, que en contra de lo que frecuentemente se cree, los ciudadanos americanos por naturalizacià ³n no pierden la ciudadanà a si abandonan Estados Unidos y se van a vivir de forma definitiva a otro paà s. Esa situacià ³n se daba en el pasado, con otras leyes, pero ya no es asà . En segundo lugar, Estados Unidos permite la doble nacionalidad, es decir, no exige que se renuncie a la de nacimiento como condicià ³n para adquirir la estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n. Sin embargo, antes de solicitar la naturalizacià ³n es aconsejable verificar las leyes del paà s de origen porque en muchos casos adquirir la ciudadanà a de Estados Unidos puede significar perder automticamente la del paà s de origen. Ciudadanà a derivada automtica para hijos de naturalizados Cuando una persona adquiere la nacionalidad americana por naturalizacià ³n, sus hijos se convierten en estadounidenses de forma automtica siempre y cuando: Sean menores de 18 aà ±os y residentes permanentes legales. Es decir, sean titulares de su propia tarjeta de residencia.Que vivan con el pap o la mam que se convierte en ciudadano y que à ©ste tenga su custodia fà sica y legal de los menores de edad. Esto es asà desde el 27 de febrero de 2001, cuando entrà ³ en vigor la reforma de la Ley de Ciudadanà a para Nià ±os, conocida como CCA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s. Esa fecha es muy importante porque las reglas que aplicaban con anterioridad eran diferentes. Por lo tanto, las personas en esa situacià ³n deberà an obtener ms informacià ³n en este enlace sobre cà ³mo probar la ciudadanà a americana derivada en estos casos y quà © sucede con las personas en esta situacià ³n con anterioridad a la entrada en aplicacià ³n de la nueva ley. Adopcià ³n por parte de ciudadanos estadounidenses Los nià ±os nacidos en el extranjero que son adoptados por ciudadanos americanos adquieren, por lo general, la nacionalidad de sus padres. Pero existen diversos casos que conviene conocer ya que es posible en algunos casos que se adquiera la situacià ³n de residente permanente legal. Nacidos en el extranjero cuando los padres son americanos o derecho de sangre Las personas nacidas en otro paà s son americanas desde el momento de su nacimiento si el padre, la madre o ambos son estadounidenses. Pero siempre y cuando se cumplan una serie de requerimientos muy estrictos que son diferentes si ambos padres son ciudadanos, si sà ³lo es uno de ellos y si estn solteros o casados. Las personas interesadas pueden informarse sobre los requisitos que deben cumplirse para transmitir por derecho de sangre la nacionalidad por padre o madre al hijo nacido en el extranjero, lo que tambià ©n se conoce como derecho de sangre o ius sanguinis. Cuando no se cumplan, en algunos casos todavà a ser posible que el menor obtenga la ciudadanà a pero a travà ©s de un abuelo y pasando por un proceso de naturalizacià ³n. Derechos y obligaciones de ciudadanos En Estados Unidos, los ciudadanos gozan de derechos y privilegios reservados para ellos. Por ejemplo, pueden votar registrndose previamente, viajar con pasaporte de EE.UU., desempeà ±ar ciertos trabajos federales reservados para ellos, pedir los papeles a ms familiares que los residentes permanentes, etc. Pero tambià ©n tienen obligaciones que continà ºan a aplicar incluso aunque residan habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos, como es, por ejemplo, la de pagar impuestos o, en el caso de los varones jà ³venes, anotarse al Servicio Selectivo. Todos los pros y cons de adquirir la ciudadanà a americana deberà an tenerse en cuenta antes de adquirirla. Puntos claves: 5 formas de adquirir la ciudadanà a americana En la actualidad, existen 5 formas de adquirir la ciudadanà a estadounidense:Nacimiento: para todos excepto hijos de diplomticosNaturalizacià ³n: cuando un residente permanente legal decide hacerse ciudadano Derivacià ³n: para algunos hijos de los residentes permanentes legales que se convierten en ciudadanos.Adopcià ³n: para nià ±os nacidos en el extranjeros y adoptados por estadounidensesSangre: para nià ±os nacidos en el extranjero hijos de ciudadanos americanos. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Louisana Factoids
Louisana Factoids Louisiana state report What is the population of your state? 1. 4,368,967 What is the Capital city of the state? 2. Baton Rouge What are the ten largest cities in the state? 3. Baton Rouge 4. Alexandria 5. Lake Charles 6. Lake Providence 7. Covington 8. Monroe 9. Lafayette 10. Metairai 11. Donaldsonville 12. New Orleans 13. Oakdale How many counties are in the state? 14. 66 What is the largest mountain in the state? 15. Driskill Mountain What is the largest river in the state? 16.Red River What countries, states or bodies of water surround the state? 17. Texas 18. Mississippi 19. Gulf of Mexico 20. Arkansas 21.Who is the Governor of the state? 22. Mike Foster What is the five leading agricultural products? 23. Cotton 24. sugarcane 25. soybeans 26. rice 27. corn Besides agriculture, name the 5 leading industries in the state.28. Manufacturing 29.Elevation sign and registry on top of Driskill Mou...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition of a Post-Industrial Society
Definition of a Post-Industrial Society A post-industrial society is a stage in a societys evolution when the economy shifts from producing and providing goods and products to one that mainly offers services. A manufacturing society is comprised of people working in construction, textiles, mills and production workers whereas, in the service sector, people work as teachers, doctors, lawyers, and retail workers. In a post-industrial society, technology, information, and services are more important than manufacturing actual goods. Post-Industrial Society: Timeline A post-industrial society is born on the heels of an industrialized society during which time goods were mass-produced utilizing machinery. Post-industrialization exists in Europe, Japan, and the United States, and the U.S. was the first country with more than 50 percent of its workers employed in service sector jobs. A post-industrial society not only transforms the economy; it alters society as a whole. Characteristics of Post-Industrial Societies Sociologist Daniel Bell made the term post-industrial popular in 1973 after discussing the concept in his book The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting. He described the following shifts associated with post-industrial societies: Production of goods (like clothing) declines and the production of services (like restaurants) goes up.Manual labor jobs and blue collar jobs are replaced with technical and professional jobs.Society experiences a shift from focusing on practical knowledge to theoretical knowledge. The latter involves the creation of new, invention solutions.There is a focus on new technologies, how to create and utilize them as well as harness them.New technologies foster the need for new scientific approaches like IT and cybersecurity.Society needs more college graduates with advanced knowledge who can help develop and advance technological change. Post-Industrial Societal Shifts in the U.S. About 15 percent of the labor force (only 18.8 million Americans out of a workforce of 126 million) now works in manufacturing compared to 26 percent 25 years ago.Traditionally, people earned status and gained and privilege in their society through inheritance which could be a family farm or business. Today education is the currency for social mobility, particularly with the proliferation of professional and technical jobs. Entrepreneurship, which is highly valued, generally requires a more advanced education.The concept of capital was, until fairly recently, considered mainly to be financial capital gained through money or land. Human capital is now the more important element in determining the strength of a society. Today, thats evolved into the concept of social capital the extent to which people have access to social networks and subsequent opportunities.Intellectual technology (based on math and linguistics) is at the forefront, utilizing algorithms, software programming, simul ations and models to run new high technology. The infrastructure of a post-industrial society is based on communication whereas the infrastructure of industrial society was transportation.An industrial society features a labor theory based on value, and industry develops proceeds with the creation of labor-saving devices which substitute capital for labor. In a post-industrial society, knowledge is the basis for invention and innovation. It creates added value, increases returns and saves capital.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Marketing plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Marketing plan - Assignment Example er and better means of connectivity to consumers and masses around the globe have increasingly provided the seeds of birth to a highly popular virtual world, thanks to the widespread popularity provided by the massive surge of online social networks and various micro blogging sites. The rise of the virtual world is strong and its presence is being actively felt by individuals around the world, as they increasingly try to gather information, work or even relax in their daily lives, irrespective of their physical presence in diverse geographical locations around the world. However, it is of utmost importance to address the fact that the access to the virtual world is only restricted by the process of accessing the World Wide Web from various highly sophisticated and latest technology based digital gadgets like Smart phones and laptops. It is of utmost relevance in this case to state that all these technological gadgets are essentially is dependent on electrical battery, which in turn acknowledges electricity as the primary source of power. Hence charging up of the electrical gadgets is highly important for the purpose of maintaining connectivity with the entire world through the access of World Wide Web ( However, while talking in terms of charging up of the electrical gadgets, it can be increasingly said that the customers all over the world face various issues while travelling, due to the non compatibility of the charging devices with the electricity outlets. Most of them increasingly resort to the process of carrying separate connectivity devices like universal Adapter and reverse voltage charger. Hence, a new product named ‘EasyConnect’ is being introduced in the market, which will help in the process of charging of technological gadgets in the market. The most unique advantage that is being provided by the new product ‘EasyConnect’ is that it will have the dual and integrated combinations of
Friday, October 18, 2019
Principle Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Principle Management - Essay Example As the essay discusses culture of an organization is said to be strong when the staff respond to the stimulus and it is weak when there is no alignment with the corporate values. Culture is one great key to success. Different views are found on the classification of corporate cultures but those of Handy have been most widely cited. His method of organizational culture links it to organizational structure. According to him, culture can be grouped under four types – power culture, task culture, role culture, and people culture. This paper declares that power culture is an ideal means to map and understand the values of an organization. Power in any organization is usually concentrated in a few pairs of hands. Power culture control radiates from the centre like a web and reaches the staff through the rays. Very few rules and procedures are available and communication is normally direct and verbal. This culture can be found in small businesses culture entrepreneurial organizations. Like minded people are chose to remain in close proximity to the centre. They group takes calculated risks and being cohesive, they react promptly to internal culture external threats. This type of culture does not affect group or project work as the group is normally cohesive and the central figure is autocratic. In a Role culture, people have clearly defined authorities within a defined structure. Role cultures are highly formalized. They are bound with regulations and paperwork. These organizations form hierarchical bureaucracie s and are like a pyramid in structure.
Cognition Development and Music Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cognition Development and Music Training - Essay Example His world is bounded by the sense of touch and better yet, by the sounds that his surroundings would offer. Perhaps a good example of how sounds contribute to the human brain is the teaching of verbal language to the young ones. The words they utter such as 'Mama' or 'Dada' results from the insistent and persistent training of the parents who illustrate by speaking to the baby in an instructional technique. Consider for example the study of Weber et al (as cited in Overy, 2000) which employed elementary school students from 50 Swiss educational institutions. There was an experimental curriculum in which language and math subjects were augmented with musical instruction. The finding was that those who availed of such an instruction performed better in language and reading than those who took the standard courses. Another interesting study is that of Gardiner et al (1996) who found out that those 1st grade students who availed of a program which replaced standard methods of instructions with musical teaching registered better performances in math and the languages. Indeed, the association between sounds and learning have been the interest of many studies some of which have been specialized as more scientific tools are becoming available. Consider for instance the study published in the Society of Neuroscience conducted by Lahav and Schlaug (2007) of Harvard Medical School. What they did was to teach nine randomly selected people (from a pool of candidates who have met certain criterions such as having no musical training) and teach them a five note, 24 second song. They then let the subjects listen to three different songs - the one they taught, another one with the same five notes but different... What they did was to teach nine randomly selected people (from a pool of candidates who have met certain criterions such as having no musical training) and teach them a five note, 24 second song. They then let the subjects listen to three different songs – the one they taught, another one with the same five notes but different arrangement and another one with additional notes. By using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), they were bale to come with an image that shows that when they hear the song they were taught there was significant activity on the frontal and parietal lobe. This part of the brain is associated with motor movements which leads the author to speculate that the human mind may have developed neuron systems which allows us to understand actions even when they cannot be observed but can only be heard such as when we hear the rustling of leaves. What is important to recognize is that these studies serve as proof that there is indeed a connection between the b rain and musical training.Professional Training in Music  After having illustrated the connection between brain development and sounds, we are now prepared to consider a much more complex topic and that is the inquiry into whether professional musicians have developed cognition abilities different than those who haven’t received musical training at all. I caution the reader, however, that this discussion does not presuppose that there is indeed some form of connection as what our previous discussion would tell us.
Macro econoics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Macro econoics - Essay Example Local small business owners will also be happy because it will attract tourists. These tourists will play a significant role in increasing the sales of small business owners and therefore they will appreciate the plans for rebuilding World Trade Center. Rich landowners will also benefit from the rebuilding of World Trade Center because it will increase the property prices of the whole area. Especially land which is near the World Trade Center will become extremely valuable and therefore rich landowners will benefit from World Trade Center. Property prices of commercial areas in the region will also go up because many businesses will end up in the region. World Trade Center was a business hub which was why it was so famous and many businesses operated in the region. This makes property extremely attractive from the commercial point of view and therefore rich landowners will benefit greatly from the rebuilding of World Trade Center. Labor unions will also be happy because rebuilding of World Trade Center will generate employment. The building of World Trade Center will require services of all kinds of labor and therefore employment opportunities will be immense. Also after the rebuilding of World Trade Center hiring will increase in the region which will again benefit the labor unions significantly. The current situation employment in the country is not very good and therefore plans for rebuilding of World Trade Center will be taken with great joy by the labor unions of the region. Former residents would also like the plans for rebuilding of World Trade Center because it will allow them to restart their operations. Former residents will also hope that they will get office space in the new World Trade Center on concessional rates. Also it is important for a business to locate itself in a geographical location that benefits its business interests. Former residents had established their business in the World Trade Center and therefore would like to continue
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Henri Fayol and his continued relevance in an evolved system Essay
Henri Fayol and his continued relevance in an evolved system - Essay Example This analysis will concur with the latter assessment as it is this author’s belief that although Fayol could probably not have conceived of our current economic system, his functions of management are as essentially relevant to a service oriented economy as they were an industrial economy. Fayol’s functions of management are as follows: 1- To forecast and plan; 2- To organize; 3- To command; 4- To coordinate; 5- To control. As such, consider a business manager today (whether the business be an IT support center, or a steel mill) has very much the same managerial tasks. Imagine the tasks that these managers are responsible for on a daily basis. Though the industries are nearly at the polar opposite ends of the spectrum, management’s tasks remain incredibly similar. The manager must forecast and plan, i.e. the manager must be able to draw inference from incoming inputs and use those inputs to forecast future actions (Amsden et al, 1996). Regardless of the industry, this remains a primary function of management and one that simply cannot be disregarded. Likewise, the manager of both aforementioned firms must organize tasks and employees and teams to complete those assigned tasks. Without organizational skill, direction is lost and management becomes impossible. Accordingly, the ability of a manager to command the progress and workflow remains a vital component of ensuring that the work is performed according to the rubric laid out in the planning and forecasting function. Furthermore, without coordination of people, teams, and workflow, it is nearly impossible to imagine any task (whether at a high end service company or a basic industrial firm) would ever be completed satisfactorily. Lastly, with respect to control, regardless of the type of firm the manager is responsible for governing, he/she must necessarily receive feedback upon the overall process and adjust his/her methods and inputs accordingly. Because these principles of management a re so basic, so intrinsic to the overall notion of proper direction in a firm, it is hard to imagine a world in which the guiding principles of Fayol would not be manifest (Gannon et al, 1999). In short, due to the simplicity of these functions, they retain the utmost relevance even in today’s service driven economy. In their work, â€Å"Revisiting Fayol: Anticipating Contemporary Management†, Parker and Ritson determined that Fayol’s works were far more visionary and insightful than previously thought. They determined that elements of Fayol’s analysis transcended the boundaries of the era of industrial management which Fayol was speaking. Further, the study uncovered, â€Å"traces of ideas and concepts that anticipated aspects of the human relations movement, systems-based contingency theory, the movement towards greater employee involvement in decision-making and elements of knowledge management†(Parker/Ritson, 2005). Rather than Fayol being mer ely considered as a father of management theory, the analysis gives evidence for the fact that Fayol’s writings, personal background, career, and ideas all lend credence to the fact that he was more forward-thinking and visionary as to the evolution of management than most sources give
Homosexuality-theories compared and contrasted Research Paper
Homosexuality-theories compared and contrasted - Research Paper Example Two theories have been advanced to explain the origin of homosexuality; both are scientific theories though the social scientists have also contributed to the explanation by stating that it results from a social and environmental factor. In my view homosexuality is a human act that results from peer influence and the need to adventure and acquire knowledge of what is perceived to be against the norm (Lester,pp 123). 1.0 The Genetic theory This theory states that homosexuality as a human behavior is a culmination of the genetical constitution of a human body. It argues that’s there are genes that are responsible for the occurrence of homosexuality, these genes it states are homozygous in a recessive situation, and in the case of heterozygous case it will only be manifested if there is a diploid cell formation from another heterozygous situation (Bret,pp 243). This explains the reason as to why it is said to be hereditary and can be traced in a lineage. The genes are said to occupy the same locus in the genomic sequence (William,pp 229). This theory has been ignored for the obvious reasons that its assumes that only one gene is responsible for determination of sex in human beings, which is an obvious understatement 2.0 Theory of Neurohormonal His theory tend to explain the influence of hormones in homosexuality though different reports gives conflicting statements rendering the theory less efficacy on its explanations, its states that the prenatal hormones in association with the nervous system under a conducive environment during the gestation periods at the second to fifth month may results into a homosexual person, the theory proposes that when the nervous system comes into contact with hormones such as testosterone,estradial and some other sex hormones during neuro organization, then homosexuality results. The theory gives more weight to testosterone hormones as being critical during gestation period as being responsible for the development of homosexuality, this theory on the same principle explains the situation of monozygotic and that of dizygotic twins (Bruce,pp 198). Comparison of the two theories Its worth noting that the two theories have concurrence at some point, they all apprecia te that homosexuality is controlled by innate factors, the genetic one being that its controlled by the genes while that of the neurohormonal one is influenced by the hormones, in this way the theories tend to believe that the external environment actually do not plays any role in influencing the sexual orientation of an individual (Lester,pp 23). The theories also confirms that the status of homosexualism is hereditary and that it can be passaged from one generation to the next provided that the genitical materials of the homosexuals are constant, also for the neurohormonal theory, the presence of the hormones will dictate the occurrences of homosexuality, In addition to those both the theories also acknowledge the role of the environment in homosexuality, in this sense both accepts that for a homosexual individual to occur a enabling environment is necessary Which is correct? The question of which of the theories that explains homosexuality can be banked on has led to a ragging de bate as all have shortcomings: certainly all are not mutually
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Henri Fayol and his continued relevance in an evolved system Essay
Henri Fayol and his continued relevance in an evolved system - Essay Example This analysis will concur with the latter assessment as it is this author’s belief that although Fayol could probably not have conceived of our current economic system, his functions of management are as essentially relevant to a service oriented economy as they were an industrial economy. Fayol’s functions of management are as follows: 1- To forecast and plan; 2- To organize; 3- To command; 4- To coordinate; 5- To control. As such, consider a business manager today (whether the business be an IT support center, or a steel mill) has very much the same managerial tasks. Imagine the tasks that these managers are responsible for on a daily basis. Though the industries are nearly at the polar opposite ends of the spectrum, management’s tasks remain incredibly similar. The manager must forecast and plan, i.e. the manager must be able to draw inference from incoming inputs and use those inputs to forecast future actions (Amsden et al, 1996). Regardless of the industry, this remains a primary function of management and one that simply cannot be disregarded. Likewise, the manager of both aforementioned firms must organize tasks and employees and teams to complete those assigned tasks. Without organizational skill, direction is lost and management becomes impossible. Accordingly, the ability of a manager to command the progress and workflow remains a vital component of ensuring that the work is performed according to the rubric laid out in the planning and forecasting function. Furthermore, without coordination of people, teams, and workflow, it is nearly impossible to imagine any task (whether at a high end service company or a basic industrial firm) would ever be completed satisfactorily. Lastly, with respect to control, regardless of the type of firm the manager is responsible for governing, he/she must necessarily receive feedback upon the overall process and adjust his/her methods and inputs accordingly. Because these principles of management a re so basic, so intrinsic to the overall notion of proper direction in a firm, it is hard to imagine a world in which the guiding principles of Fayol would not be manifest (Gannon et al, 1999). In short, due to the simplicity of these functions, they retain the utmost relevance even in today’s service driven economy. In their work, â€Å"Revisiting Fayol: Anticipating Contemporary Management†, Parker and Ritson determined that Fayol’s works were far more visionary and insightful than previously thought. They determined that elements of Fayol’s analysis transcended the boundaries of the era of industrial management which Fayol was speaking. Further, the study uncovered, â€Å"traces of ideas and concepts that anticipated aspects of the human relations movement, systems-based contingency theory, the movement towards greater employee involvement in decision-making and elements of knowledge management†(Parker/Ritson, 2005). Rather than Fayol being mer ely considered as a father of management theory, the analysis gives evidence for the fact that Fayol’s writings, personal background, career, and ideas all lend credence to the fact that he was more forward-thinking and visionary as to the evolution of management than most sources give
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Auditorium Music Testing Essay Example for Free
Auditorium Music Testing Essay Division of the music library into groups on basis of familiarity and likeability levels This output helps the programming team prune the play mix and help identify songs which should be played more/less Extended Objectives Besides the obvious output of segregating the songs into lists (basis which should be played more/less/discarded), AMT outputs are analyzed for higher understanding as follows: It gives us answers as to whether the city TG prefers regional music over Hindi or English music and hence, helps us form programming strategies. In addition, comparison of AMT output of two cities aides ground level understanding for the programming team which is helpful in designing the play mix. For example, comparison of Delhi vs. Mumbai outputs prove that Delhi audience tends towards Punjabi hits whereas Mumbai audience prefers more evolved Hindi Bollywood numbers with softer tempo. Over a period of time, understanding how music preferences vary over various Indian regions helps the station make more informed choices when launching in new markets.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Impact of American Dream on Identity in Literature
Impact of American Dream on Identity in Literature American dream is a fantasy to a lot of people however in both readings it is depicted as an unfulfilled dream which is constantly sought after by both local and non-local Americans. To portray all possible dimensions of this fascinating subject I would like to quote two readings in my analysis which are â€Å"Let America be America again†[1] by Langston Hughes and â€Å"American Dreamer†[2] by Bharti Mukherji. Let America Be America Again, (Verse 1) claims for atonement of the Dream that never was. It talks about the flexibility and correspondence which America brags, yet never had. It anticipates a day when Liberty is crowned with no false patriotic wreath (Verse 11-12) and America is that great strong land of love (Verse 7). Author is not restricting his request to the discouraged Negro; he also incorporates the foreigner, the poor white, laborer, the Indian, agriculturist, the people (Verse 32) impart the Dream that has not been. The Dream still signals. In Freedoms Plow he brings up that America is a dream (Verse 76) and the result of the seed of opportunity is for all Americans as well as for all the world. The American Dream of fraternity, opportunity, and majority rules system must go to all people groups and all races of the world, he demands. The American Dream has showed up as a worn out, uneven, splotched, and frequently unattainable objective which regularly turned into a bad dream, yet there is dependably any desire for the satisfied dream even in the darkest minutes. All through the ballad, Hughes contrasts his trusts for America with the truth of life for those outside of the socially and monetarily predominant racial, religious, and social gatherings. He inspires the intense longs for the individuals who went to the United States on the grounds that they saw it as a paradise where they could be sheltered from the mistreatment they persisted in their countries however those fantasies of America have never materialized. Same is the situation with second reading perusing by Bharati Mukherjee who discusses her perspectives as a worker. Originating from India and her town Faridpur, Mukherjee advising Americans and foreigners to look to the new American society and dont be impeded by old traditions. Mukherjee discusses being friendless and separated from her establishes while in Canada where the populace is not as with the exception of. In her words they resists culture fusion I concur with her announcements on Canada and think the U.S. while it is known for racial and social tolerance is underrated on the world stage. Having all criticism, authors are hopeful for better prospects as a result of endeavored struggle in upcoming future. The sonnet â€Å"Let America be America again†starts with Hughes longing for America to be the America it once was; on the other hand, he remarks harshly, this picture of America is patently false. The most punctual Americans honed subjugation and persecution, efficiently pulverizing the lands local people groups to assemble their settlements. The perfect of America exists just in dreams, Hughes clarifies. Notwithstanding, he asks, Let America be the dream that dreamers dreamed- / Let it be that great strong land of love / Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme. (Verse 6-8) For destitute, Native Americans, slaves, and workers, American has just ever been a dog eat dog world where the frail are crushed. The humble, hungry, mean residents dont get to drink from the mug of bounty; in spite of diligent work and aspiration, they will dependably stay outside the edges of achievement and solace. The speaker steps back almost instantly and recognizes that numerous visionaries came to America with the trust of cutting out an equivalent bit of riches and acknowledgement. The challenging were compelling, Hughes shouts, and he commends the visionaries who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true. (Verse 39) The outcasts from Ireland, Poland, England, and significantly all the more along these Verses, the African slaves, landed in America on the grounds that they had no other decision. Then again, considerably in the wake of building the establishment of this homeland of the free, its wealth stay beyond their control. The speaker shouts out that the Negros, workers, and destitute must ascend and reclassify American equity as it was constantly intended to be. He states decidedly, We must take back our land again, / America! (Verse 70) Even if America is currently presently tormented by separation and voracity, the speaker (and Hughes) accept that it can be made strides. Consequently, the ballad closes on a hopeful, effective note of determination toward oneself and diligence. In â€Å"American Dreamer†, Mukherjee felt that the switch between an outside understudy and U.S. national was a huge change. She likewise says that she considers being an American resident important. I imagine that there is a noteworthy contrast in points of view toward citizenship between individuals who worker here and individuals whos families have known only the Americas. Like Mukherjee says, I became a citizen by choice, not by simple accident of birth. (American Dreamer, Mukherjee) She looks down on individuals who were given American citizenship (by conception) and dont admire it or grasp it. She adds to the multiculturalism that is so fundamental in the accomplishment of the United States. II chose to describe myself on my own terms, as an American, rather than as an Asian-American. Why is it that hyphenation is imposed only on nonwhite Americans? Rejecting hyphenation is my refusal to categorize the cultural landscape into a center and its peripheries; it is to demand that the American nation deliver the promises of its dream and its Constitution to all its citizens equally. (American Dreamer, Mukherjee) In this section Mukherjee truly demonstrates her imperviousness to the average foreigners who may call themselves Asian-American rather than simply an American. Mukherjee rejects this hyphenation. She accepts she is equivalent to all other American residents whether she was conceived in American or not. Mukherjee has an intense tone in this section. She is deciding to portray herself on her own terms (American Dreamer, Mukherjee). She decides to call herself an American and is extremely pleased to do this. She realizes that she merits all the rights and benefits that a local American merits. Later Mukherjee communicates her fervor about as a country we have not just the opportunity to hold those qualities we prize from our unique societies additionally the opportunity to recognize that the external types of those qualities are liable to change. Folks express fury or depression to a few parts of Indian society. Mukherjee might want to ask those folks this, What is it we have lost if our children are acculturating into the culture in which we are living? Is it so terrible that our children are discovering or are inventing homelands for themselves?†(American Dreamer, Mukherjee) She is recognizing that America has changed her. She says that it doesnt end until she demonstrates that she alongside the countless workers like her are moment by moment changing America. This change is a two-way transform that influences both the individual and the country social personality. Both of the above mentioned readings portray that American dream of millions has changed their identity as well. Their old identities had been lost somewhere on the way to their American dream. The only thing they left now is just their American identity. Both authors are hopeful and courageous regarding prosperous future of immigrants who endeavor to move to America for the sake of their American dream and American identities. [1] Hughes, L. (1935), Let American be America Again, retrieved from [2] Mukherjee, B., (1997), â€Å"American Dream†, Mother Jones.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
steves tees :: essays research papers
Steve decided to open his own tee- shirt shop, near a local university. He felt it was the perfect time to start his own business, due to the location and the fact that the summer Olympics were being held 55 miles away in Atlanta. Wow! What a great opportunity it was, for him to take initiative to become his own boss, gain exposure, and become profitable. The only problem was that Steve did not take into consideration any concerns with starting a business, which include: geography, a market for this product, competition/ who are the major competitors, uniqueness, etc. This all could have been done through generating information to aid in making marketing decisions. This process includes specifying what information is required, designing the method for collecting information, managing and implementing the collection of data, analyzing the results, and communicating the findings of their implications. In order to reduce the likelihood of failure, marketing research would provide the n ecessary information to reduce uncertainty. It helps to focus on decision making. So, prior to Steve opening the business, he should conducted exploratory research. Steve needed to acknowledge the situation, screen any and all alternatives, and discover new ideas to make his business stand apart from the competition. This research could have been conducted through focus groups, surveys, questionnaires, etc. The purpose of this marketing research is to narrow the scope of the research topic and to refine the problem into researchable form. Therefore, Steve would have been able to answer who, what, when, where, and how questions; identify the channels of distribution; and to target the market for advertising and promotions. Â Â Â Â Â Promotion is one of the four elements of the marketing mix. It increases company sales by communicating product information to potential customers. Unfortunately, the advertising route Steve took did not help to generate sales. Steve should have recognized the four basic parts of any promotional effort, which include personal selling, advertising, publicity, and sales promotion. Steve solely focused on advertising in selected newspapers, but he failed to realize that everyone does not read the newspaper. If he wanted the business to appeal both to the college students and to the people of the town, he should have done several different types of promotions. He could have done direct promotions, where he and an employee would go into the community and pass out flyers to gain better exposure for the business.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Working-Class Writer Essay -- Authors
David Herbert, D.H., Lawrence published his third novel, Sons and Lovers, in 1913. The story follows the Morel family. They live in â€Å"The Bottoms†, a small mining community in England, built over the remnants of â€Å"Hell Row†. The Morel family is unhappy, because of the relationship between Walter, the father, and Gertrude, the mother. Walter drinks too much, does little to provide Gertrude with emotional satisfaction, while Gertrude feels superior, and is unhappy with the family’s social status. Searching for emotional satisfaction, Gertrude turns to her children for comfort. At first, her affection focusses on the eldest son, William, but after he become ill and dies, Gertrude shifts her attention to Paul, the youngest son. There are many parallels between the novel and Lawrence’s own personal life. Similar to the Morel’s, the Lawrence’s family lived in a working-class community in Nottinghamshire, England. Lawrence’s father, Arthur, worked in a mine, and was a drinker. Lawrence’s older brother, Ernest, passed away early in life, causing Lawrence to become the focus of Lydia’s affection. Similar with Paul and Miriam Leivers, Lawrence had an early relationship with Jessie Chambers, of whom his mother did not approve. Like Paul’s relationship with Clara Dawes, Lawrence engaged in an affair with Alice Dax, a married woman with a family. Sons and Lovers is a semi-autobiographical novel in which Lawrence draws from his own personal relationships with his parents, his childhood sweetheart, and adult lover as the basis for his fictional characters, which he ultimately uses to build the foundation for his philosophical ideas regarding industrialism and love. In the story, Walter represents the embodiment of Lawrence’s issues ... ...d Walter Morel after his father, Arthur, and Gertrude Morel on his mother, Lydia. Furthermore, Lawrence represents himself in the protagonist, Paul Morel, the son of Walter and Gertrude Morel. Works Cited Becket, Fiona. D.H. Lawrence. London and New York: Routledge, 2002. 7-8. Print. Burgess, Anthony. Flame Into Being The Life and Work of D.H. Lawrence. New York: Arbor House, 1985. 57. Print. Bergquist, Carolyn. "Lawrence's Sons And Lovers." Explicator 53.3 (1995): 167-170. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 May 2012. Kearney, Martin. Major Short Stories of D.H. Lawrence A Handbook. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1998. 97. Print. Maddox, Brenda. D.H. Lawrence The Story of a Marriage. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994. 63, 78, 93. Print. Worthen, John. D.H. Lawrence The Life of an Outsider. New York: Counterpoint, 2005. 30, 83. Print.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Lord of the Flies Persuasive Essay
â€Å"Lord of the Flies†Ralph the Leader Ralph from the â€Å"Lord of the Flies†by William Golding is charismatic, athletic, and smart. He cares about how people are and what they need. He has his responsibilities in order unlike the other kids who do anything they want. He knows how to keep the kids in order so they can get work done. Ralph makes the best leader out of all the other kids. After the conch is blown, and children assemble, Jack calls Piggy Fatty.Ralph is quick to point out that his name is not Fatty, but Piggy. Everyone laughs and begins to chant his name, and Piggy becomes hurt. It is through this small conflict that Piggy becomes a target for the others, to taunt and hurt, because of his name and physical appearance. This event shows the beginnings of breakdown of the community, and Ralph is the only one that can put it back together. Ralph worked tirelessly on the tents while all of the other kids were playing in the water.Jack is a main character in â€Å"Lord of the Flies†but he is a jerk and he is obsessed on kill a pig that he chickened out of doing the first time. While Jack and the hunters are hunting they have a second job that is to keep the signal fire running. They didn’t do that while that is going on a boat comes by and if they had a signal fire they could have been saved but didn’t. Ralph confronted him at an island meeting and Jack still just wants to go hunting. Ralph was smart and nice in the beginning when he first met the boys.They made him chief because of his treats and Jack called them all together but he is mean. The little kids like Jack more because he thinks the beasties are real. Ralph knows they're not real and for the little kids not to believe that they're real. Ralph is the better leader and should always. The facts have shown why Ralph is a better leader. He cares about other people and their emotions. He has his responsibilities in order and will do it. He can lead other peo ple and to get stuff done.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Prenatal and Postpartum Scenario Essay
There is importance to providing a safe and healthy environment for your child to develop and grow, whether it be during gestation or the first few months of life. In this pamphlet we will discuss the activities that a pregnant or postpartum woman can do to positively affect their infants future development. There will be discussion as to why each activity is important and also how it will affect your Childs future development. The following activities are for pregnant women who want to positively affect their future Childs development. During the gestational period playing music has shown to be beneficial to a Childs development, studies show an enhancement in verbal skills, as well as spatial, and emotional skills (Ho, March). The next activity is frequently talking to your unborn child, this helps to build a bond and your baby will recognize your voice at birth. Engaging in belly massage throughout your pregnancy will assure your unborn child it is loved even before you are able to hold him or her in your arms. There is a way to get your partner involved to in this activity, having your partner massage your belly with oil will release pleasure hormones to your child, providing you with stress relief and relaxation. It is important to always be aware of stress levels while pregnant, stress hormones can make your child feel anxious. Engaging in activities such as prenatal yoga, meditation, or even relaxing in a warm bath can provide much needed relief from stress. (Black, Jan). The activities in this section are focused on postpartum period to positively affect your Childs future development. The first activity is skin to skin contact with your newborn. This will foster the bonding between you and your child. This helps the newborn to feel a sense of security and builds positive self esteem. This can also help to reduce pain from childbirth experience for new mothers (Berger, 2010). The next activity is simply talking and reading to your child everyday. This activity will develop language skills through imitation of the sounds heard, it also helps to offer a larger vocabulary to your child. (Berger, 2010). Another great activity is giving your baby a massage. This will relax your baby which is especially helpful at bedtime. There are therapeutic reasons as well, it can reduce gas and colic making for a happy baby and mom. (Spehar & Frey, 2001). References Berger, K. (2010). Invitation to the Lifespan. New York, NY: Worth Publishers. Black, S. (January 17, 2001). Getting to Know You†¦:Tune into Your Swelling Belly to Give Your Baby a Head Start. Daily Record, 8. Retrieved from Ho, L. (March 31 2000). Unborn Thrive on Music. South China Morning Post, 4. Retrieved from Spehar, J., & Frey, R. (2001). Infant Massage. The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3(3.4), 2328-2331.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Product outsourcing to Far East Enterprises Limited
In management accounting the premise of relevant costing is applied in order to evaluate business decisions. Such costing premise implies that only incremental costs and revenues pertinent to the decision at hand are considered. Past costs, commonly known as sunk costs and/or unaffected costs are irrelevant to the decision-making process. Therefore the calculations computed in Appendix A of this Report abide with the relevant costing principle noted in this paragraph.At face value, the agreed price with FEE of $395 per unit is lower than the total manufacturing costs per unit of $425. However, before rushing into any drastic conclusions it is imperative to consider the relevant costs and revenues. Further more, in this case, a particular time frame ought to be set up, because FEE is requesting a two-year contract with the company. Therefore the relevant costs and revenues have to be computed on a two-year basis.Upon assessment of the incremental costs and revenues on the two year per iod, it is outlined in Appendix A that an Incremental Loss of $8,929,280 will occur if the company appoints FEE as its supplier for this particular product. Thus it is more financially viable to make the product rather than purchase it from a supplier. The reason behind such a loss mainly rests because the buy decision will be unable to affect the general company overheads, in which a substantial portion is allocated to the GPSN Model.
Economic Globalisation and Developing Nations Essay
Economic Globalisation and Developing Nations - Essay Example The goal within evolution, or what animals see as "good," is the ability to survive and promulgate their genetic code. What economists see as "good," within the world of finance is for wealth to accumulate, for products and services to increase in value and for all to profit and live happily ever after. This is the goal of financial evolution. It sounds so very, very simple, doesn't it Ah, but there is a catch. Given human tendencies, it is impossible for anybody to really have "enough." By its very nature, wealth is not a matter of what one has, but rather what one has in comparison to what everyone else has. We really don't want to have enough. Enough does not exist. We want to have more. This notion is fairly across the board for all cultures. Further, the animal kingdom is equal to the economic world concerning the degree of competition that is involved. However, over time, the competitors have less and less of an advantage over one another, and the playing field is leveled somewhat. Should one introduce a foreign element that has an unfair advantage-an animal with no natural predators and an unlimited food source, for example- soon the delicate balance of power between species is torn asunder. Similarly, such an idea can be presented regarding financial globalisation. Financial globalisation is nothing new. ... Enabling framework of financial globalization essentially includes liberalization and deregulation of the domestic financial sector as well as liberalisation of the capital account. As economies progressively integrate globally, pari passu the financial structures of markets and the world of finance change. Financial globalisation cannot be considered a novel phenomenon. Trans-country capital movements are centuries old." (Das, "Globalization in the World of Finance") Arguably, the very first European pioneer into the area of global finance is Jakob Fugger, son of a wealthy, self-made merchant of textiles. Jakob Fugger used his toehold in the textile industry to expand into finance, with trade posts that stretched from the Mediterranean to the Baltic. ( Later, the rest of Europe caught on, and The Royal Exchange was created in London, providing a center for English financiers to trade both locally and internationally. By the nineteenth century, it became fairly evident that money in the form of paper currency had much less stability in terms of its trading power against foreign currency. The gold standard was therefore established, the reasoning behind it being that gold was much less likely to fluctuate in value; notes were redeemable for gold, both within a country's borders and internationally. This was intended to act as a guarantee that paper currency could be used anywhere, with a fairly similar value, provided these same countries both agreed to the gold standard and operated under it. (This was prefaced by the Bank Charter Act of 1844, under which the Bank of England declared itself the only legitimate source from which paper money was to be issued.) This standard is no longer used,
Monday, October 7, 2019
Compare the significance, ritual use, or cultural function or purpose Essay
Compare the significance, ritual use, or cultural function or purpose - Essay Example er, the two are also different from the structure, in which ijele is huge with a diameter of 183 cm and height of 366 cm, and also it is colorful and a form of entertainment. In contrast, nkisi is rather small, scary and represents gloom as opposed to entertainment. In addition, nkisi comes in different physical appearance and is curved in the shape of a human being while ijele has only one physical structure or design. Stupa is a Buddhist monument in the form of a hemispherical structure used by Buddhist as a place of meditation. Stupa is used ritually by the Buddhist to represent the five elements of life, earth, air, water, fire and space (Mitra 102). Therefore, they are used to honor living, and also a symbol of enlightenment. Iwan is also a monument like Stupa, but it is Persian and the only remaining ancient structure of Ctesiphon located near the town of Salman Pak, Iraq. Iwan is the largest built arch found in the modern world, and it is only one, but Stupa are built in many places, particular where Buddists dwell and differ in sizes and sometimes
Sunday, October 6, 2019
A Ethical Dilemma that was Shaped or Influenced by the Application of Assignment
A Ethical Dilemma that was Shaped or Influenced by the Application of Nursing Research - Assignment Example Ethical dilemmas can also arise when a patient’s autonomy is not respected. This is to do with the kind of treatment the patient wants, including refusal to treatment and euthanasia (Stevens, 2006). The article states that such ethical dilemmas can be solved if the nurses have better knowledge and skills, communication skills, authority and a proper knowledge of ethical principles guiding the nursing practice (Parker, 2007). Ethical dilemmas are difficult to solve. A single decision by the nurse may not please everybody concerned, including hospital management and the patient’s guardians and relatives. Although it is important to have the basic ethical principles and knowledge from research, it is still very difficult to make a decision in an ethical dilemma. Credentialing and statutory regulations are significant components of nursing practice. Without these important elements the nursing profession lacks authority to ensure protection of interests of the public (Bandman & Bandman, 2002). Licensing is meant to protect the public from unprofessional and unsafe medical practitioners while credentialing helps to verify the qualifications of medical practitioners, including
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Business to Business Marketing and Business-to-Consumer Business Research Paper - 2
Business to Business Marketing and Business-to-Consumer Business - Research Paper Example Many business organizations are now implementing social media to get connect with their business clients and consumers. However, business organizations are using very much similar tools within the business process (Brito and Lewis, 2011, p.177). Therefore, the employees of business firms can get connected with each other. When the communication process is taking place among the employees, it can be referred to as B2B communication. Saxon Plumbing Service London Ltd. (SPSL) is a small organization that used to provide plumbing services to the SMEs in south London. Now they are trying to expand their business in by setting up a new office in Manchester. Moreover, they are trying to implement B2C process in their business. The objective of the study is to find the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of the B2C business process to both the customers and business. Sales Force Developing a new office is most certainly a right step towards the ambitious plan of expansion. The move made by the management to deploy is most certainly a right move made by the company to promote business and develop a customer base. However, in order to be successful, the management must organize the sales force properly to achieve the desired level of output. However, the sales force may not be the solution to all the questions. The company has to rely on some other promotional techniques/ mediums to increase brand awareness and customer base. This section of the study provides a critical analysis as to how the management should organize and manage the sales force, appropriateness of the move of the company to deploy sales force and also other probable ways to increase brand awareness. Sales Force Vs Other methods of promotion According to the 4 Ps of marketing and the marketing mix concept the 4th P of the marketing mix is the promotion or communication. The elements of the promotional mix are an advertisement, sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations. Among this advertisement is probably the most common and popular way to reach out to masses, generate demand and brand awareness. Sales promotion is a great technique to provide promotional offers to increase brand awareness. Public relations are all about developing the relationship between the public (client) and the company (Kitchen and Proctor, 2001, p.280). Personal selling, on the other hand, can be defined as the person to person interaction between the seller and the prospect (buyer). Keeping the on-current circumstances in mind it can be understood that advertisement, public relations seems the two best options. But there are certain constraints such as financial resources and budget. Also, the company uses word of mouth or viral marketing to generate awareness and increase customer base. Personal selling is one of the best ways to develop and manage personal relationships with the client that pays the rich dividend in case of generating positive word of mouth.
Friday, October 4, 2019
Human resource management in Foxconn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human resource management in Foxconn - Essay Example It began in 2009 where a factory by the name of Sun Dayong, committed suicide just because he lost an iPhone 4 prototype in his posession (Barbosa 2008). It was followed by 14 suicides 2010 until 2012, the latest in June of 2012 where suicides were directly related to wage. Obviously, there is something very wrong in the human resource management practice of Foxconn which needs to be addressed. Human resource issue The kind of technology that Foxconn supplies to Apple may be cutting edge and its client, Apple Inc may be a revolutionary company but the human resource practice of Foxconn is medieval that even predated classical management theorists whose theorists were already debunked by modern practice of management. Foxconn workplaces were often described as labor camps due to the horrible treatment of its employees that include abuse and illegal overtimes to the point that employees commit suicide. Worst, Foxconn also make their employees sign waivers that gurantee that Foxconn wil l not be sued by its employees up to their descendants if something happened to them whether they died, get injured and committed suicide (Malone 2010). In its Mexico plant, it was even alleged that the bus that was supposed to take the workers to and from the plant were deliberately delayed by Foxconn so that the managemend could force its employees to do an overtime work without pay while waiting for the bus. This issue had been compounded until riot broke loose in February 19, 2010 where employees set fire in the company’s gymnasium. These actions only manifests how callous and abusive Foxconn in treating its employees. Their human resource practice virtually breaks every rule in good human resource management. Their human resource practice did not even conform to the basic tenet of Taylor’s scientific management which is the most basic management concept available today. Taylor management theories may have been dismissed as outdated but at least, Taylor had the mot ivation concept that if employees will be paid well, they will also be motivated to work well (Butler 1991). Foxconn is notorious in this aspect that its employees are even driven to suicide out of frustration of the company ‘s level of pay. It would find ways where it can force its employees to work overtime without pay such as delaying their commuter bus. It may be a cheap strategy but Foxconn would resort to it for as long as it can make more money out of its employees never mind if they will commit suicide later. Foxconn has also no regard for its employees welfare. Instead of addressing the root cause of its suicide issues in the company which is mismanagement and oppressive pay, it instead made its employees sign a contract that would deter them in suing the company if anything happen to them in the company. This is Foxconn’s response to its human resource issue which is to protect itself from legal complications instead of mending its management practice (Dalrymp le 2009). What Foxconn should have done? Applicable human resource theories. Had Foxconn been a conscientious company, it should have addressed the employees grievances instead of seeking legal protection. If the issue is pay, Foxconn should have increased the wages of its workers at least for it to become competitive industry and not at its current level where it drives employees to suicide. Second, it should have conducted leadership and management trainings to its
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