Thursday, July 18, 2019

Legs by Post Essay

1.Who ar the protagonists of this case? For what are they exhausting to solve / what decision are they try to make? The protagonists of this case are Elizabeth Preis and Dickon Addis. unneurotic they started a London-based get away- purchase smart set business called splendid Legs by POST. They are trying to raise 110,000 indoors the next month in order to mail out 20,000 catalogs each in January and February. In order to solve this, Preis and Dickon must(prenominal) find investors to fund the next form of growth for their company.They need to know what the rejoinder rate would be, what the average size per order would be, and what percent of initial customers would reorder. Would they be adequate to(p) to rise the financing that they needed in order to stay on line? How could they get more free furtherance? (Page2 of case) Answering these questions could help determine if Beautiful Legs by POST could be a feasible business.2.Use the sight-Opportunity-Context framework to evaluate this prospect. plurality like Elizabeth Preis, film director of marting, and Dicken Addis, Director of pay and Operations are worth be invested in. They both have vex The opportunity relate in Beautiful Legs by POST is the favour of finding a gap in the groceryplace for mail order in Europe. After market research they found that the gap was specifically in the U.K. Starting their business in this location gives them a competitive advantage of being integrity of the first companies in mail order. Another opportunity involved with tights is that they are a reclamation item that requires regular purchases.The analysis from Market research indicates clearly that there is a customer segment who wants to buy done mail-order, so business opportunity exists. People like Dicken Addis, Director of Finance and Elizabeth Preis, Director of Marketing are worth generous to be invested. They have valuable experience in their respective fields and alike business plan show s that they understood the product. war-ridden advantage being the 1st one in mail-order Break-even analysis and cash flows are convincing

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