Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Industrial Electronics Bonus
Industrial Electronics, Inc. Is an electronic equipment company that has annual sales exceeding $ 8 Billion. The company is set up by product line and operates as 16 divisions, reporting to four business managers. Unfortunately, due to the recession and the competitiveness of the emerging and developing industry, the bonus pool for the employees has decreased causing Issues with employee morale, and can overall affect the profitability of the organization If the company analyzed the ROI of turnover and training.Therefore, the company reviewed the current bonus structure and proposed a new bonus structure for the Division Managers, as they currently felt their contributions to their departments was not being rewarded. The current bonus system focus on the overall goals of the company. Although it is essential to set and communicate company goals, having this one structure as the only measurement for bonus can be detrimental. If one or a few departments contribute to the company not ac hieving their goals, this means that all employees and departments are not being recognized for their contributions.The current goal is a 10% bonus pool of the company's profitability after taxes in excess of 12& of the company's book net worth allocated for the bonus pool. The proposed bonus structure Is set up to drive the performance more directly related to the division, but not does not focus on any overall company goals. In order to stay in business the overall goals and financial metrics need to be a part of the bonus system. The targets for this new structure are set and negotiated during the budgeting process.If the division managers are going to be held to achieve and/or et these standards their input should be taken into consideration during the budgeting process if they are not directing Involved or responsible for the budgets. This will allow the organization to have the buy In and accountability from the Division Managers and their employees throughout the year in achi eving these targets. This will also allow for employees to be more responsible for controllable cost and waste.The proposed bonus system percentage awards of the Division Managers Base Salary would be: Dillon A : 63. 5% 150% (this is the maximum amount payable) DiViSion B. Division C: 63. 7% Division D: 68 Division E. 26. 2% An optimal bonus plan for Industrial Electronics, would be one that comprises both and success overall in order to pay out bonus and provide employment, but they can drive this overall company success also through operational excellence, key metrics and standards at the divisional level.Therefore, the bonus plan should include company objective and division objective. The divisional objectives should be directly related that divisions related business relevance to the organization, with set key performance indicators which can include sales, output, controllable costs as labor, reduce costs, waste, turnover, etc. The bonus plan also should not be structured as a n all aqua r nothing.For example, maybe it the division does not achieve it sales goals but maintain the controllable expense in accordance with the achieved sales, they receive a partial bonus. If the division does not hit its target but the company does the employees still received a portion of the bonus, as they are part of the organizational teams overall success. Their individual performance behaviors or lack thereof, should be addressed during their buy seines reviews and/or salary review and increases.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Blood Promise Chapter Nineteen
For someone who had preached to Denis about impulse control, I wasn't setting a very good example. Once left alone in the suite, I continued trying everything possible to get out-emphasis on the â€Å"try†part. Nathan had acted like keeping a prisoner was a rare thing, but from what I could tell, this place had been built to hold people in. The door and window remained impassible, no matter how hard I beat at them or threw objects against them. I didn't bother with the chair this time and instead used one of the living room's end tables, hoping it would carry some extra heft. It didn't. When that didn't work, I actually tried entering random codes into the door's keypad. Also useless. Finally, exhausted, I collapsed onto the leather sofa and tried to assess my options. The process didn't take very long. I was trapped in a house full of Strigoi. Okay, I didn't know that for sure, but I knew there were at least three here, which was far too many for me. Dimitri had referred to this place as an â€Å"estate,†which I didn't find comforting. Estates were big. The fact that I appeared to be on the fourth floor was proof of that. A big place meant that there could be lots of room for lots of vampires. The one comfort I had was that Strigoi didn't cooperate very well. Finding large groups of them working together was rare. I'd observed it a couple of times-the attack on the Academy being one such occasion. They'd come then because the school's wards had dropped, and that had been a big enough incentive for the Strigoi to unite. Even when they did try to work together, the unions were usually short-lived. The friction I'd observed between Dimitri and Nathan was proof of that. Dimitri. I closed my eyes. Dimitri was the reason I was here. I'd come to free him from this state of living death and had promptly failed, just as he'd said. Now, it appeared I might be on the verge of joining him. Yeah, good job, Rose. I shivered, trying to imagine myself as one of them. Red rings around my pupils. Tanned skin gone pale. I couldn't picture it, and I supposed I'd never have to actually see myself if it happened. Strigoi cast no reflections. It would make doing my hair a real pain in the ass. The scariest change of all would be within, the loss of my connection to my soul. Both Dimitri and Nathan had been cruel and antagonistic. Even if I hadn't been around to start the fight, it probably wouldn't have taken long for them to find some other reason to turn on each other. I was combative, but it was always driven by some passion for others. Strigoi fought because they relished the bloodshed. I didn't want to be like that, seeking blood and violence because I enjoyed it. I didn't want to believe that of Dimitri either, but his actions had already branded him as a Strigoi. I also knew what he had to have been eating this whole time to survive. Strigoi could go longer without blood than Moroi, but it had been over a month since he was turned. There was no question he had fed, and Strigoi almost always killed their victims to eat. I couldn't picture that of Dimitri†¦ not the man I'd known. I opened my eyes. The topic of feeding had brought my lunch to mind. Pizza and brownies. Two of the most perfect foods on the planet. The pizza had long gone cold during my escape efforts, but as I stared at the plate, both it and the brownie looked delicious. If the outside light was any indication, it hadn't been a full twenty-four hours since Dimitri had caught me, but it was getting pretty close. That was a long time to go without food, and I wanted to eat that pizza badly, cold or not. I didn't really want to starve to death. Of course, I didn't want to become Strigoi either, but this situation was quickly running away from what I wanted. Starvation took a long time, and I suspected Dimitri was right: he'd turn me long before I had a chance to truly starve. I'd have to find some other way to die-God, not that I wanted that at all-and in the meantime, I decided I might as well keep up my strength on the feeble chance I might be able to escape. Once the decision was made, I gobbled down the food in about three minutes. I had no idea who Strigoi hired to do their cooking-hell, Strigoi couldn't even eat regular food, unlike Moroi-but it was fantastic. Some wry part of me noted that I'd been given food that required no silverware. They really had thought of every possible way I might get my hands on a weapon. My mouth was full of my last giant bite of brownie when the door suddenly opened. Inna slipped deftly inside, the door shutting almost immediately. â€Å"Son of a bitch!†Or at least I tried to say that through my mouthful of food. While I'd been debating whether to eat or not, I should have been staking out the door. Dimitri had said Inna would check in on me. I should have been waiting to overpower her. Instead, she'd gotten in while I wasn't paying attention. Once again, I'd slipped up. Just like when she was around Dimitri and Nathan, Inna made very little eye contact. She held a pile of clothes in her arms and paused in front of me, holding them out. Uncertain, I took them from her and set them beside me on the couch. â€Å"Um, thanks,†I said. Pointing at the empty tray, she actually glanced up at me shyly, a question in her brown eyes. Seeing her straight on, I was surprised at how pretty she was. She might even have been younger than me, and I wondered how she'd ended up being forced to work here. Understanding her query, I nodded. â€Å"Thanks.†She picked the tray up and waited a moment. I wasn't sure why; then it occurred to me she must be waiting to see if I wanted anything else. I was pretty sure â€Å"the combination to the lock†wouldn't translate very well. I shrugged and waved her off, my mind spinning as I watched her approach the door. I should wait for her to open the door and then jump her, I thought. Immediately, a gut reaction sprang up in me, hesitation at striking out at an innocent. Another thought squashed that one: It's me or her. I tensed. Inna pressed herself close to the door as she punched in the combination, effectively blocking my view. Judging by how long she was punching in numbers, the code appeared to be pretty long. The door clicked open, and I braced myself to act. Then-I decided against it at the last moment. For all I knew, there could be an army of Strigoi out there. If I was going to use Inna to escape, I probably only had one opportunity. I needed to make it count. So, instead of leaping up, I shifted slightly so that I could see beyond her. She was just as fast as before, slipping out as soon as the door unlocked. But in that moment, I caught a glimpse of a short corridor and what looked like another heavy door. Interesting. Double doors on my prison. If I did follow her, that would prevent me from making an immediate escape. She could simply wait by the other locked door, holding out until Strigoi backup showed up. That made things more difficult, but understanding the setup at least gave me a spark of hope. I just needed to figure out what to do with this information, provided I hadn't screwed myself by not acting now. For all I knew, Dimitri was about to walk in and turn me into a Strigoi. I sighed. Dimitri, Dimitri, Dimitri. Looking down, I took the time to actually see what she'd brought me. My current attire wasn't bothering me, but if I stayed here much longer, my jeans and T-shirt were going to get pretty gross. Like Tamara, someone wanted to dress me up. The clothes Inna had brought were all dresses and all in my size. A red silk sheath. A long-sleeved, form-fitting knit dress edged in satin. An empire-waist, ankle-length chiffon gown. â€Å"Oh, great. I'm a doll.†Digging deeper into the stack, I discovered there were a few nightshirts and nightgowns tucked in there-as well as some underwear and bras. All of those were satin and silk. The most casual item in the whole lot was a forest-green sweater dress, but even it was made of the softest cashmere. I held it up, trying to imagine myself making a daring escape in it. Nope. With a shake of my head, I heedlessly tossed all of the clothes onto the floor. Looked like I'd be wearing grungy clothes for a while. I paced around after that, turning over futile escape plans that I'd already spun around in my head a million times. In walking, I realized how tired I was. Aside from the blackout when Dimitri had hit me, I hadn't slept in over a day. Deciding how to handle this was like deciding how to deal with the food. Let down my guard or not? I needed strength, but each concession I made put me more at risk. At last, I gave in, and as I lay down on the massive bed, an idea suddenly occurred to me. I wasn't totally without help. If Adrian came to visit me in my sleep, I could tell him what had happened. True, I'd told him to stay away last time, but he'd never listened to me before. Why should this time be any different? I focused on him as hard as I could while I waited for sleep to come, as though my thoughts might act as some sort of bat signal and summon him. It didn't work. There was no visit in my dreams, and when I woke up, I was surprised at just how much that hurt me. Despite Adrian's infatuation with Avery, I couldn't help but recall how kind he'd been to Jill the last time I saw them. He was worried about Lissa, too, and he'd displayed none of his usual carefree bravado. He'd been serious and†¦ well, sweet. A lump formed in my throat. Even if I had no romantic interest in him, I'd still treated him badly. I'd lost both our friendship and any chance of calling for help through him. The soft rustling of paper snapped me from my musings and I jerked upright. Someone was in the living room, his back to me as he sat on the couch, and it took me only a moment to recognize who. Dimitri. â€Å"What are you doing here?†I asked, climbing out of bed. In my groggy state, I hadn't even registered the nausea. â€Å"Waiting for you to wake up,†he said, not bothering to turn around. He was overly confident in my inability to inflict damage-as well he should have been. â€Å"Sounds kind of boring.†I walked into the living room, moving myself far to the side of him and leaning against the wall. I crossed my arms over my chest, again taking comfort in that meaningless protective posture. â€Å"Not so boring. I had company.†He glanced over at me and held up a book. A western. I think that shocked me almost as much as his altered appearance. There was something so †¦ normal about it all. He'd loved western novels when he was a dhampir, and I'd often teased him about wanting to be a cowboy. Somehow, I'd imagined that hobby would go away when he turned. Irrationally hopeful, I studied his face as though I might see some radical change, like maybe he'd turned back to the way he'd been while I slept. Maybe the last month and a half had been a dream. Nope. Red eyes and a hard expression looked back at me. My hopes shattered. â€Å"You slept for a long time,†he added. I dared a quick look at the window. Totally black. It was nighttime. Damn. I'd only wanted a two-hour power nap. â€Å"And you ate.†The amusement in his voice grated at me. â€Å"Yeah, well, I'm a sucker for pepperoni. What do you want?†He placed a bookmark in the book and set it on the table. â€Å"To see you.†â€Å"Really? I thought your only goal was to make me one of the living dead.†He didn't acknowledge that, which was a bit frustrating. I hated feeling like what I had to say was being ignored. Instead, he tried to get me to sit down. â€Å"Aren't you tired of always standing?†â€Å"I just woke up. Besides, if I can spend an hour tossing furniture around, a little standing isn't that big a deal.†I didn't know why I was throwing out my usual witty quips. Honestly, considering the situation, I should have just ignored him. I should have stayed silent instead of playing into this game. I guess I kind of hoped that if I made the jokes I used to, I'd get some kind of response from the old Dimitri. I repressed a sigh. There I was again, forgetting Dimitri's own lessons. Strigoi were not the people they used to be. â€Å"Sitting's not that big a deal either,†he replied. â€Å"I told you before, I'm not going to hurt you.†â€Å"? ®Hurt' is kind of a subjective term.†Then, in a sudden decision to seem fearless, I walked over and sat in the armchair across from him. â€Å"Happy now?†He tilted his head, and a few pieces of brown hair escaped from where he'd pulled it back in a small ponytail. â€Å"You still stay beautiful, even after sleeping and fighting.†His eyes flicked down to the clothes I'd tossed on the floor. â€Å"You don't like any of them?†â€Å"I'm not here to play dress-up with you. Designer clothes aren't going to suddenly get me on board with joining the Strigoi club.†He gave me a long, penetrating stare. â€Å"Why don't you trust me?†I stared back, only my stare was one of disbelief. â€Å"How can you ask that? You abducted me. You kill innocent people to survive. You aren't the same.†â€Å"I'm better, I told you. And as for innocent†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He shrugged. â€Å"No one's really innocent. Besides, the world is made up of predators and prey. Those who are strong conquer those who are weak. It's part of the natural order. You used to be into that, if I remember correctly.†I looked away. Back at school, my favorite non-guardian class had been biology. I'd loved reading about animal behavior, about the survival of the fittest. Dimitri had been my alpha male, the strongest of all the other competitors. â€Å"It's different,†I said. â€Å"But not in the way you think. Why should drinking blood be so strange to you? You've seen Moroi do it. You've let Moroi do it.†I flinched, not really wanting to dwell on how I used to let Lissa drink from me while we lived among humans. I certainly didn't want to think about the rush of endorphins that had come with that and how I'd nearly become an addict. â€Å"They don't kill.†â€Å"They're missing out. It's incredible,†he breathed. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them. â€Å"To drink the blood of another†¦ to watch the life fade from them and feel it pour into you†¦ it's the greatest experience in the world.†Listening to him talk about killing others increased my nausea. â€Å"It's sick and wrong.†It happened so fast that I didn't have any time to react. Dimitri leapt out and grabbed me, pulling me to him and spreading me out on the couch. With his arm still wrapped around me, he positioned himself so that he was half beside me and half on top. I was too stunned to move. â€Å"No, it's not. And that's where you have to trust me. You'd love it. I want to be with you, Rose. Really be with you. We're free of the rules that others put on us. We can be together now-the strongest of the strong, taking everything we want. We can eventually be as strong as Galina. We could have a place just like this, all our own.†While his bare skin was still cold, the press of the rest of his body against mine was warm. The red in his eyes practically gleamed while this close, and as he spoke, I saw the fangs in his mouth. I was used to seeing fangs on Moroi, but on him†¦ it was sickening. I briefly toyed with the idea of trying to break free but promptly dismissed it. If Dimitri wanted to hold me down, I would stay down. â€Å"I don't want any of this,†I said. â€Å"Don't you want me?†he asked with a wicked smile. â€Å"You wanted me once.†â€Å"No,†I said, knowing I lied. â€Å"What do you want then? To go back to the Academy? To serve Moroi who will throw you into danger without a second thought? If you wanted that kind of life, why did you come here?†â€Å"I came to free you.†â€Å"I am free,†he responded. â€Å"And if you'd really intended to kill me, you would have.†He shifted slightly, resting his face close to my neck. â€Å"You couldn't.†â€Å"I messed up. It won't happen again.†â€Å"Suppose that were true. Suppose you were able to kill me now. Suppose you were even able to escape. What then? Will you go back home? Will you return to Lissa and let her continue bleeding spirit's darkness into you?†â€Å"I don't know,†I replied stiffly. And it was the truth. My plans had never gone past finding him. â€Å"It will consume you, you know. As long as she continues to use her magic, no matter how far away you go, you'll always feel the side effects. At least as long as she's alive.†I stiffened in his arms and moved my face away. â€Å"What's that mean? Are you going to join Nathan and hunt her down?†â€Å"What happens to her is no concern of mine,†he said. â€Å"You are. If you were awakened, Lissa would no longer be a threat to you. You'd be free. The bond would break.†â€Å"And what would happen to her? She'd be left alone.†â€Å"Like I said, that's no concern of mine. Being with you is.†â€Å"Yeah? Well, I don't want to be with you.†He turned my face toward him so that we were looking at each other again. Once more, I had that weird feeling of being with Dimitri and not with Dimitri. Love and fear. He narrowed his eyes. â€Å"I don't believe you.†â€Å"Believe what you want. I don't want you anymore.†His lips quirked into one of those scary, smirking smiles. â€Å"You're lying. I can tell. I've always been able to.†â€Å"It's the truth. I wanted you before. I don't want you now.†If I kept saying it, it would be true. He moved closer to me, and I froze. If I shifted even half an inch, our lips would touch. â€Å"My exterior†¦ my power, yes, that's different. Better. But otherwise, I'm the same, Roza. My essence hasn't changed. The connection between us hasn't changed. You just can't see it yet.†â€Å"Everything's changed.†With his lips so close, all I kept thinking about was that brief, passionate kiss he'd given me the last time he was here. No, no, no. Don't think about that. â€Å"If I'm so different, then why don't I force you into an awakening? Why am I giving you the choice?†A snappy retort was on my lips, but then it died. That was an excellent question. Why was he giving me the choice? Strigoi didn't give their victims choices. They killed mercilessly and took what they wanted. If Dimitri truly wanted me to join him, then he should have turned me as soon as he had me. More than a day had passed, and he'd showered me with luxury. Why? If he turned me, I had no doubt that I'd become as twisted as him. It would make everything a lot simpler. He continued when I remained silent. â€Å"And if I'm so different, then why did you kiss me back earlier?†I still didn't know what to say, and it made his smile grow. â€Å"No answer. You know I'm right.†His lips suddenly found mine again. I made a small sound of protest and tried vainly to escape his embrace. He was too strong, and after a moment, I didn't want to escape. That same sensation as before flooded me. His lips were cold, but the kiss burned between us. Fire and ice. And he was right-I did kiss him back. Desperately, that rational part of me screamed that this was wrong. Last time, he'd broken the kiss before too much could happen. Not this time. And as we continued kissing now, that rational voice in me grew smaller and smaller. The part of me that would always love Dimitri took over, exulting in the way his body felt against mine, the way he wound my hair around one of his hands, letting the fingers get tangled up. His other hand slid up the back of my shirt, cold against my warm skin. I pushed myself closer to him and felt the pressure of the kiss increase as his own desire picked up. Then, in the midst of it all, my tongue lightly brushed against the sharp point of one of his fangs. It was like a bucket of cold water tossed upon me. With as much strength as I could muster, I jerked my head away, pulling out of the kiss. I could only guess that his guard had been momentarily down, allowing me that small escape. My breathing was heavy, my whole body still wanting him. My mind, however, was the part of me in control-for now, at least. God, what had I been doing? It's not the Dimitri you knew. It's not him. I'd been kissing a monster. But my body wasn't so sure. â€Å"No,†I murmured, surprised by how pathetic and pleading I sounded. â€Å"No. We can't do this.†â€Å"Are you sure?†he asked. His hand was still in my hair, and he forcibly turned my head so that I was face-to-face with him again. â€Å"You didn't seem to mind. Everything can be just like it was before†¦ like it was in the cabin†¦ You certainly wanted it then†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The cabin†¦ â€Å"No,†I repeated. â€Å"I don't want that.†He pressed his lips against my cheek and then made a surprisingly gentle trail of kisses down to my neck. Again, I felt my body's yearning for him, and I hated myself for the weakness. â€Å"What about this?†he asked, his voice barely a whisper. â€Å"Do you want this?†â€Å"Wh-â€Å" I felt it. The sharp bite of teeth into my skin as he closed his mouth down on my neck. For half an instant, it was agonizing. Painful and horrible. And then, just like that, the pain disappeared. A rush of bliss and joy poured through me. It was so sweet. I had never felt so wonderful in my life. It reminded me a little of how it had been when Lissa drank from me. That had been amazing, but this†¦ this was ten times better. A hundred times better. The rush from a Strigoi bite was greater than that of a Moroi's. It was like being in love for the first time, filled with that all consuming, joyous feeling. When he pulled away, it felt like all the happiness and wonder in the world had vanished. He ran a hand over his mouth, and I stared at him wide-eyed. My initial instinct was to ask why he'd stopped, but then, slowly, I reached inside myself to fight past the blissful daze that his bite had sent me into. â€Å"Why†¦ what†¦Ã¢â‚¬ My words slurred a little. â€Å"You said it would be my choice†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"It still is,†he said. His own eyes were wide, his breathing heavy too. He'd been just as affected as me. â€Å"I'm not doing this to awaken you, Roza. A bite like this won't turn you. This†¦ well, this is just for fun†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Then, his mouth moved back to my neck to drink again, and I lost track of the world.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Marketing reflections
Apart from creating ‘loyalists' who support the company at all mimes, such schemes also aim at enticing customers away from competition (Morgan, 1996). Price, location and convenience are other determinants of customer loyalty. The case study mentioned in the article presents an overall negative picture of loyalty cards In the hospitality business. It says majority of the customers purchased the loyalty cards of the hotel because it provided good value for money and cheap local deals. Despite having high satisfaction, such ‘mercenaries' had very low commitment towards the hotel (Morgan, 1996).It mentions that other means like customizing arrive for each individual, giving same room to regulars, ‘business roundtable dinners', happy hour etc. , with special attention to profitable customers, might be more successful in retaining customers. However, the above doesn't seem to hold true for supermarket chains. Owing to a change in management, Jewel Coco's move to ditch i ts loyalty card and opt for â€Å"everyday low prices†instead was not received very well by the regular customers. They felt that their right to exclusive discount was being taken away from them and thus, Coco lost quite a few customers.
Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2
Human Resource Management - Essay Example strategic way. It is focused on the management of the workforce in an organization and the provision of direction to them. The aim of the HRM is to deal with and solve all the problems, within the organization, that are related to the workforce. These include hiring and recruitment, performance management, appraisals, compensation and benefits, organizational development, communication, training, safety and well-being, employee motivation, administration and conflict resolution. HRM also deals with all the issues pertaining to corporate social responsibility. In addition to this, HRM serves as the only association that a company usually has with the trade union. More than anything else, Human Resource Management is a comprehensive as well as strategic approach of managing not only the employees but the entire workplace culture (Budhwar, 2000). Effective HRM is needed in order to ensure that employees contribute positively and effectively to the goals and objectives of the company. Th us HRM is extremely important if the organization wants to ensure that the employees do not go astray. It provides a policing arm to the organization. SIGNIFICANCE OF HRM It is a very important part of the organization and its significance can be judged from the fact that most organizations now have a separate Human Resource Management department, given that the organization is big enough to afford it. From being a low scale and low scope department, Human Resource Management has now become a strategic business partner of the organization since its function is to provide constant support to the vision and mission of the organization. This also because HRM aims to implement the business strategies and ensuring that they work. HRM is now believed to be the management of people in the organization, not employees. It is responsible for ensuring that the organization complies with the labor as well as employment laws. According to Cheddie (2001) the aim is to gain competitive advantage b y using a wide range of structural, personnel and cultural techniques. THEORIES AND PRACTICES As the discipline of HRM continues to grow and gain momentum across the globe, more theories and studies are being devoted to it. Most HRM theories and practices are directly drawn from the field of behavioral sciences as well as from theories related to strategic management (Som, 2008). For HRM to work effectively there are certain practices that the organization must adopt. Among the first theories on the HRM concept was proposed by the Michigan school. According to this theory, the HR system must be managed in a way so that it is in line with the organizational goals and strategies. This concept became very popular as the ‘matching model’. It was further developed that there is human resource cycle which comprises four functions. These are selection, performance appraisal, rewards and compensation and training and development. Delegation to Line Managers Budhwar and Khatri ( 2001) argue that in
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Management of Industrial Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Management of Industrial Relations - Essay Example For the better part of a century, it has played a key role in the representation and advising of employers all over Australia and their employment law experts have been actively involved in majority of the test cases in the industrial jurisdiction of fair work Australia (Australian Federation of Employers, 2014). AFEI is a nonprofit organization and its membership spans over 3,500 with more than 60 affiliated industry associations, today, their key role is advisory and they also represent and assist employers in as far as meeting their obligations in respect to workplace relations in concerned. They may or may not include collective agreements and unlike trade unions which are comprised of individual workers, employer organizations allocate membership to enterprises instead. However, most of the legal terms that are used to define trade unions can also be applied on employer organizations. It has been argued that employer organization is simply the employer’s response to trade unions which by virtue of their numbers and activism tend to have considerable power over employers. While this is debatable, it is not by any means simple, employers’ organizations to a large extent are indeed the response to trade unions but they also serve other purposes that have no bearing on the issue of labor. There has nevertheless been an extensive history of antagonism between trade unions and employees organization which gives credence to the assumption that in many ways their interests are mutually exclusive. In the 1890’s in Australia, powerful worker unions tried to dictate to the ship owners what goods they should carry this was done through a strike that threatened to bring down the shipping industry and which rewired over 2000 constables to manage. However three years after the fact, the ship-owners had come together and in response
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Primary Source Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Primary Source Study - Essay Example â€Å"The complete housewife or Accomplished Gentlewomen’s companion†is a cookery book written in eighteenth century by the author Eliza Smith. Originally published in 1727. It is not just a cook book from the history but also contains various medicinal prescriptions and home remedies handy in the case of any emergency and works as the first aid. The book was written clearly as its name indicate to provide assistance to the women of that time to improve their efficiency in cooking and making them competent and a complete gentlewomen because cooking was very essential and fundamental skill required by fine ladies of that time. Fixing a meal today is very simple these days but in colonial time’s it was an hours long affair until there was enough light to see in the kitchens and without any refrigeration all meals have to be cooked and seasoned in the same day(Heyes,2009) Eliza tried to show her confidence in cooking and food and every ones attitudes towards it in this book which is considered as the first cook book to be published in America. It contains collection of several hundred receipts of pastries, confectionaries, pickles, preserving meat, cakes, jellies, wines added with hundred of receipts of home remedies for minor ailments including syrups, ointments, elixirs etc. Through the book Eliza conveyed her own lives experience and knowledge to the other women of the society. Women are known to reveal their life’s stories through their receipes of food cleaning or medicinal remedies; it is the way of their communication. cMrs. Smith worked as a cook in upper class household and that is why she knew a lot about cooking and serving. She also criticized the male cook book writers and claimed that they hold their recepies secret from the rest of the public and stressed upon her female audience her past experiences in that regard.d In contrast to other cook book writers her work is much more competent unlike other amateurish writers wh ose work fail to show citations to quoted information (Allen,1999) .As it is considered as the first cook books it
Friday, July 26, 2019
How to graduate high school students with a sense of pride and Essay
How to graduate high school students with a sense of pride and accomplishment - Essay Example The beginning and end of the school year are ideal times to focus on dreams and goals. Heres an activity set for starting and ending the school year right.†(Begin....) At every stage of life, dreams are important but the dream of a student is more important. It is the dream of the combustible younger generation, and it has a strong impact on the future life of students. The teachers are aware of this fact. Strong motivation and encouraging words play important role. Let us examine the following two motivational sentences. Dear is to be lived in its trials, tribulations, in duty and in beauty. My best wishes are with you always. May you accomplish all your dreams. May you get what you deserve in life.--highly encouraging. Perhaps these words will be remembered for life, by a student. The teachers should help to provide a realistic attitude to students to face the vicissitudes of life. Painting a rosy picture about their future lives will not serve any purpose. Give them correct assessments. Give them a dream; give them a goal. Without a goal, the life of students will be directionless and destination-less. As students, they are, let us say, strolling on the sea-shore. On graduation, they need to plunge to take the sea-bath. The students must be encouragingly toldâ€â€now that you are going for the sea bath, be not afraid of the oncoming waves. If the waves are powerful, duck them; if the waves are friendly dance with them; when the waves are normal, swim your way further! Bid your time, know your direction! In college days, the students learn the theory of art of living. Beyond that they need a fresh start as the time has arrived to translate into action the theory knowledge. What is theory after all? It is other mans experience! The students need to be told through encouraging words that they are on the threshold of negotiating rough and tough turns in their lives. They need to be mentally prepared for good, better and
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Halo 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Halo 4 - Essay Example Halos are a special ring like structures quite similar to Orbitals of the solar system. The main characters of the game are â€Å"Master Chief John-117†who was a human with supernatural qualities and â€Å"Cortana†, an artificial intelligent agent accompanying the John-117 in his tasks. Different versions of Halo that were available on Xbox and Xbox360 are as follows: Halo: combat Evolved also known as Halo: CE or Halo is the first game of the Halo Series that was released in 2001 and considered as the Killer app for Xbox gaming system. About five million copies of Halo: CE was sold within four years after its release that forced Microsoft to launch its computer versions. Second part of the Halo sequel was launched in 2004 on Xbox and later the Microsoft version for computer in 2007. The game was improved with multiplayer maps. Also, players can alternatively choose the role of a human and alien in a war that made the game more interesting. Halo 3 is the third part of the halo sequel that concluded the ‘story arc’ which continued for the previous 2 parts of the series. Halo 3 sold more that US $170 million worth copies in the first day of release that broke all the previous records. A new version of Halo 3: ODST was released in 2009 known as â€Å"Orbital Drop Shock Troopers†. Players are given the choice of two modes of playing that they can choose from. One is ‘Campaign mode’ and the other is ‘Firefight’. It is a multiplayer game with more difficult enemy line to kill and survive for longer. After releasing Halo 3 in 2007, Bungie split up in two teams, one created the ODST version while others created Reach. It came up with a new story line taking place in 2552, where humans are locked with aliens. Covenant attack the human world and players fight them back by controlling the soldier named Noble Six. Halo: CEA is an advanced form of Halo: Combat Evolved. It was released alongside of Halo 4 in 2011 by a large number of
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Decision Support System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Decision Support System - Essay Example Companies, therefore, seek new profit opportunities suggested by them. They must plan innovations and purposely set out to capitalize on new approaches. Marketing is perceived as a means of adjusting to changes through altering such variables as products, services, prices, and channels of distribution to better meet changing environments. Change will be discussed in the chapters on assessment of marketing opportunity and the product and service mix. Chapter 8, Nonlinear Optimization processes will help a manager to model the performance of the company and predict its development opportunities. As an integral part of business, optimization is concerned with setting goals, establishing policies and programs, and implementing business action for the entire firm. Its major tasks are to translate consumer wants and needs, actual and potential, into profitable products and services that the company is capable of producing; to cultivate markets to support these products; and to program the distribution activities necessary to reach the markets. Chapter 16, Markov processes, will help a manager to evaluate random sample and predict possible variations in the proposed management model. ... In reality, the conception of Markov processes as a viewpoint or as the fundamental purpose of a business focuses on the business as a satisfier of consumer wants and needs. This conception implies a top-management philosophy of business operation -- the marketing philosophy. Accordingly, customers and consumers become the core around which a business revolves, thus recognizing customer orientation to decision-making and problem-solving and the impact of marketing on other functional areas. Chapter 2 and 3, Introduction to Linear programming and Linear programming sensitivity analysis, will help a manager to model different situation and select the best alternative. This technique of analysis is intended to provide an overview of the performance of the corporate. The ratios can be applied to the business to examine current achievement and trends. They can also be applied to competitors to enable external benchmarks' of performance to be established. Businesses realize that they cannot appeal to all consumer wants and needs, even for limited markets. Thus they assess both corporate capabilities and goals (actual and potential) and market opportunities to seek areas of profitable intersection. It reflects an integrated and coordinated approach to the management of marketing activity, and the development of total systems of business action that recognize the market as the focal point of business. Essentially, the marketing philosophy is a way of thinking about corporate ac tivity; a frame of mind; an attitude. It recognizes the primacy of consumers and customers as they influence all business operations. It starts with the company's chief executive, who must recognize that, lacking markets for the company's products and lacking customer wants and needs,
Three Branches Of Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Three Branches Of Government - Essay Example The leaders are elected by the parties in both the Senate and the house of the representatives. The leader of the party controlling the house is called a majority leader while minority leader is the leader of the minority group. The executive branch makes official laws and is headed by the president who is elected for a term of four years by the entire nation. The laws passed by the legislative branch have to be approved and carried out by the president. The vice-president and other cabinet members are also a part of this branch. Other duties of the president include appointing or removing cabinet members, negotiating treaties as well as acting as the commander-in-chief and the head of state. The cabinet also gives advice to the president on important issues and is made up of heads of 15 major departments of the government such as the secretary of labor, education, defense, state etc. (Three branches of government, Web). The third branch of the government is the judicial branch which is responsible for administrating the court system of the country. The head of the judicial branch is the Supreme Court which is responsible for explaining the constitution and the laws passed by the Congress. The Supreme Court is made of one chief justice, eight associate judges and nine justices. The nominations of the judges are made by the president but have to be approved by the Senate. Decisions made by the Supreme Court are final and no one can deny these decisions. (Three branches of government, Web).
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12
Report - Essay Example Notably, this case represented a miscarriage of justice. The evidence presented by Krex’s attorney pointed to his innocence. This evidence engrossed two trial expert witnesses who had alluded to Mr. Klex’s innocence and a justification professional witness, a world renowned handwriting expert, who noted that Mr. Klex was innocent (McLaughlin 1). Courts should take measures to maintain both the veracity of convictions and the moral force of their burden of proof. In Mr. Klex’s case, the judge denied a caregiver from speaking on behalf of Mr. Klex’s satisfactory character and his attribute as a loving and a caring husband (McLaughlin 1). This court failed on its part of burden of proof. This is among the many reasons for wrongful convictions for deeds people did not do. Over the past three years, more than eleven convicts have been exonerated on account of actual innocence based on evidence. In order to establish the innocence of an accused, the courts require assistance from an expert in fields such as science. In the case of Mr. Klex, the judge refused to hear out a renowned forensic handwriting expert who acknowledged that Mr. Klex was innocent (McLaughlin 1). If many of the cases in Pennsylvania were to be reviewed, there would be some cases where those convicted are innocent in the sense that they did not partake in the crime. In order to guarantee that such instances do not recur, it is essential for the Pennsylvanian criminal justice system to consider all the recommendations contained in the report of the advisory committee on wrongful convictions. Who would object to efforts of eliminating wrongful convictions? What would be eviler than taking guiltless citizens, tarnishing their lives and punishing them for offenses they did not commit? After having studied why innocent men and women were wrongfully convicted and doomed, the advisory committee established that some of the basis of wrongful convictions
Monday, July 22, 2019
Metrojaya Card Application Form Essay Example for Free
Metrojaya Card Application Form Essay At a first glimpse, I can definitely say that it has been more successful in catching an applicants eye than the ones from Jusco. Already the front page has pictures around the border showing various items. Also, it is crowned with a close up photograph of the card that is advertised. Then, in bold red letters, there is a slogan, which is meant to attract the reader. It says The card that takes your shopping further. Further down the page there are sub-headings, which already give a brief introduction to the contents of the form. When the form is opened, I must say that it immediately impresses me. If I was to apply to a shopping bonus card then I would definitely fall for Metrojaya. There are big white headings on a red background indicating what a costumer stands to gain from the use of this card. Also there is a table that briefly shows what a costumer gains when he/she has a certain number of points. Underneath, there is a brief explanation of how the points are awarded and a reference to a telephone number for more information. After that there is a very well laid out section where the applicant is supposed to fill out his personal profile where there is comparatively more space available than in the J-card application form. The information that is asked from the applicant is basically the same as the one mentioned for the J-card above which was name, address, birth date, sex, nationality, religion, and profession details such as amount of monthly income. The information is very clearly set out and it is clear to the applicant what information is required off him/her. The form was also designed for the readers convenience with a moderate use of extended vocabulary. In the back of the form there are the terms and conditions, which are set out in bullet points and furthermore are very well explained and clear. In addition there is a small section dedicated to the advertisement of some shops enclosed within the Metrojaya chain. Overall, I think this form is very well presented and attractive however it lacks further explanations to how the card works. It really succeeds in attracting someones attention by its colourful attire. The information it contains and what the form requires the applicant to do is very clear and comprehensive. The layout of the various sections of the form is very good as well. The designer has accurately used different colours to emphasize the various importance of certain headings or slogans. I also think that the vocabulary used is appropriate because although professional it is not very demanding. Citibank Citibank Credit Card Application Form Citibank is fairly popular in Malaysia. Their slogan Citibank Where money lives can be found at the bottom of the form I managed to acquire. Personally, I think that their slogan is very strong and self-explanatory. Inside there is a vast number of information arranged in a fairly clear way and presented in three languages. There is a section in Malay, Chinese and English. This, I think, has something to do with the fact that Malaysia is a multiracial country and presumably the establishment is trying to attract as many customers as possible by creating a form that is to their convenience. The information asked from the applicant is personalised again and concentrates on things such as name, contact address and telephone/handphone number. Furthermore, Citibank asks for details about the applicants job and also about the monthly income of people, their marital status and whether their residence is owned or rented. Also, in case the applicant is married, the bank would like to know details about the spouse. Finally, the form asks for emergency contact details, the types of accounts the client has and there is also a section about the appliance for a supplementary card. After the personal details are complete, the client is required to read a series of information and agreements and then sign a declaration. The bank has also added a section where their clients can apply for a card with photo-identification if preferred. It wants applicants to enclose documents such as a copy of the IC or passport, a copy of ones international charge or credit card and the latest two months card charges statements. At the back, there are the terms and conditions, which are explained briefly and the bank also provided a short section, which explains how the card works and where it can be used. Furthermore, and as a means of publicity and wanting to attract the publics attention, the designer has enclosed a section where the bank is advertising the Handspring Visor Platinum, an electronic pocket size organiser. It is said that each new subscriber to the card will receive one free and people who already have a card can buy one at a special privilege price. This device is also included on the front page of the form where there is a picture showing a person using one and other persons looking at him with surprise. To sum up I think that the form as a whole is fairly well laid out thinking of the vast array of information that is asked from the client. However, there is too little space for applicants to write down their personal information. In general, though, it has a fairly clear set out and it is easy to understand. The form indicates formality to some extent by using extended but clear vocabulary. Just like in the Jusco and Metrojaya forms, the information it asks from the clients is rather personal but required in far more detail. The scale to which the form attracts attention is fairly high. The front page, along with the advertising in picture form is somehow eye catching and the fact that something can be received when applying to this card is very appealing to most people. Inside, however, formalitys presence can be strongly noticed.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Action Potentials In Squid Axon
Action Potentials In Squid Axon In 1952, Hodgkin and Huxley published a series of four papers in the Journal of Physiology (London) reporting their experiments to investigate the underlying events of the action potential. In their final paper, they derived a series of equations that describe the relationship between sodium conductance (gNa+), potassium conductance (gK+) and the membrane potential in a squid axon following electrical stimulation. Hodgkin and Huxley were awarded the Nobel Prize for this work. In this practical, you will use a computer program based on the Hodgkin and Huxley equations to show what is happening to the membrane potential, gNa+ and gK+ during and after electrical stimulation. An example of the output from the program is illustrated in figure 1. It can be seen that the electrical stimulation depolarises the membrane. Once a depolarisation of 30mV has occurred, the conductance to sodium ions increases rapidly and the membrane potential rises to +20mV. The rise in gK+ is slower in onset and lasts for longer than the increase in gNa+. The fall in gNa+ and the associated rise in gK+ returns the membrane potential towards the resting value. Figure 1: Simulation of changes in membrane potential, Na+ and K+ conductances following the application of a single electrical stimulus of 50   A/cm2 for 1 ms. The peak height, amplitude, latency and threshold of the action potential are shown. Methods and Results Run the Squid Giant Axon simulation from the Start menu, HHX. Experiments using a single electrical stimulus In the first series of experiments, you will use a single electrical stimulus to initiate an action potential. Run a simulation with the following parameters: Stimulus 1 Amplitude (  A/cm2) Stimulus 1 Duration (ms) Delay (ms) Stimulus 2 Amplitude (  A/cm2) Stimulus 2 Duration (ms) 50 1 0 0 0 A trace similar to figure 1 will be obtained. From this trace, you can measure the peak height, amplitude, latency and threshold of the action potential: Peak Height (mV) Amplitude (mV) Latency (ms) Threshold Voltage (mV) +19 109 0.46 -66 Q1 and 2. Investigate the effects of varying stimulus amplitude and duration by running all the simulations shown in the matrix below in Table 1: Enter a X in the Table 1 matrix for experiments that produce an action potential, and record the peak height, amplitude, latency and threshold of any action potentials in Table 2 overleaf. For experiments that fail to elicit an action potential, enter a O in the matrix below, and record a value of  ¥ (infinity) for the latency and - for the other parameters in the table overleaf. Table 1. Success/failure matrix Stimulus Strength (  A/cm2) Stimulus Duration (ms) 0.1 0.5 1 2 5 50 O X X X X 20 O X X X X 10 O O X X X 7 O O X X X 5 O O O X X 2 O O O O O Table 2: Action potential characteristics Stimulus Response Strength (  A/cm2) Duration (ms) Peak Height (mV) Amplitude (mV) Latency (ms) Threshold Voltage (mV) 2 0.1  ¥ 0.5  ¥ 1  ¥ 2  ¥ 5  ¥ 5 0.1  ¥ 0.5  ¥ 1  ¥ 2 14 104 2.89 -61 5 15 105 2.74 -59 7 0.1  ¥ 0.5  ¥ 1 12 102 4.38 -57 2 15 105 2.16 -58 5 16 106 2.16 -57 10 0.1  ¥ 0.5  ¥ 1 15 105 2.01 -61 2 16 106 1.62 -64 5 16 106 1.62 -64 20 0.1  ¥ 0.5 15 105 1.58 -64 1 16 106 1.02 -63 2 17 107 0.97 -66 5 17 107 1.04 -61 50 0.1  ¥ 0.5 17 107 0.59 -61 1 19 109 0.54 -60 2 19 109 0.52 -62 5 19 109 0.57 -58 Q3. Plot two graphs to show the relationship between: (i) Stimulus strength and latency and (ii) Stimulus duration and latency. How these graphs should be plotted is not immediately obvious, and information on how to complete this task will not be explicitly given! The optimal solution to the problem is for you to find, but the following points are provided for guidance: It is not legitimate to plot infinity on graphs It is not appropriate to extrapolate beyond data points It is not legitimate to plot average latencies. The graphs must be plotted so that every value of latency (except  ¥) is represented. Use the blank sheet on the proforma, there is no need to use graph paper. Graph 1 : Stimulus strength and latency Remember you need to distinguish different stim durations in this gr Graph 2: Stimulus Duration and Latency Make sure you distinguish different strengths as well These can be plotted accurately using excel for your submitted report. Experiments with dual stimuli Q4. Run a simulation with the following parameters to demonstrate the absolute refractory period: Simulation Stimulus 1 Amplitude (  A/cm2) Stimulus 1 Duration (ms) Delay (ms) Stimulus 2 Amplitude (  A/cm2) Stimulus 2 Duration (ms) A 50 0.5 4 50 0.5 B 50 0.5 4 100 0.5 Briefly describe the responses obtained in simulations A and B in the space below: In A the first and second stimulus is equal. The first stimulus causes an action potential whilst the second stimulus does not. The delay is only 4ms. The membrane is at the absolute refractory period when the second stimulus is sent. Therefore an action potential cannot be produced. The first stimulus for A causes the gK value to change from -0.36 to 6.0. The gNa, 0.01, does not increase for the second stimulus and the peak reached is -92mV for the second stimulus and the threshold is -52mV. In B the second stimulus is larger than the first one but the delay remains the same at 4ms. The increase of the stimulus does not cause an action potential. This suggests it must be in the absolute refractory period because a larger stimulus should be able to generate an action potential if it is in the relative refractory period. The value of gK changes from -0.36 to -5.87. The peak was -83mV Q5. Repeat the simulations, but with a longer delay between stimuli: Simulation Stimulus 1 Amplitude (  A/cm2) Stimulus 1 Duration (ms) Delay (ms) Stimulus 2 Amplitude (  A/cm2) Stimulus 2 Duration (ms) C 50 0.5 7 50 0.5 D 50 0.5 7 100 0.5 Compare and contrast the responses obtained in simulations C and D with those of A and B. Stimulation C and D has a longer delay between the first and second stimulus than stimulation A and B. Stimulations C has a lower second stimulus than D but the same as A. Likewise for Simulation A which has a lower second stimulus than B. Stimulation B and D have got the same amplitude for the second stimulus. The second stimulus, like A, for simulation C did not generate an action potential. Whilst with simulation D, unlike B, an action potential was generated. This is because in the absolute refractory period it is not possible for an action potential to be generated hence why simulation B did not produce an action potential. The delay in stimulation C and D is longer therefore the membrane is in the relative refractory period. This is suggested by the action potential produced in D. The extra delay in D enables more inactivation gates to open generating an action potential. The larger amplitude in D caused the membrane to reach threshold. Discussion Answer the questions below in the spaces provided. This will provide the basis of your report discussion Q6. Briefly justify why a latency of  ¥ was recorded if an action potential was not produced. Latency is the time from the start of the stimulus to threshold. If no action potential is produced then it is not ever possible for it to reach threshold, -59mV, therefore it has to be labelled as infinity because no matter how long you wait you will never reach threshold. Q7. What evidence from your results suggests that action potentials are threshold phenomena? Only the experiments which reached threshold value produced an action potential, refer to table one. For example when the strength of the stimulus is 2mA/cm2 no action potential was produced but the membrane potential did change however it did not reach threshold. When the strength of the stimulus was increased the, for example to 5 mA/cm2, and the duration of the stimulus as increased to 2ms then an action potential was reached. This is because the membrane must depolarise to the threshold level therefore generating an action potential with the same amplitude. This is the all or nothing principle. Q8. Comment briefly on the amplitude of the action potentials generated in these experiments. In all the experiments, table 2, which an action potential was generated, the amplitude was always similar even though the stimulus strength and duration had changed. This is part of the all or nothing principle. The amplitude was always around 106mV showing that action potentials are not graded. The frequency of the action potential is determined by the intensity of the stimulus. The frequency of action potential is caused during the relative refractory period. Graded potentials can be larger and last longer than action potentials. Therefore during the relative refractory period if the graded potential is stronger than the threshold at resting then it will produce another action potential. If the graded potential last longer than the relative refractory period an action potential will also be generated. Both these factor effect the frequency of action potentials. Q9. From Graph 1, describe the effect of increasing stimulus strength on the latency of the action potential. The graph shows that the strength of the stimulus increases as the latency decreases. For example, when the stimulus strength is 5mA/cm2 and has duration of 2ms the latency is 2.89ms. When the stimulus strength is increased to 50mA/cm2 for the same duration of 2ms the latency decreased to 0.52ms. This shows that the latency has decreased by 2.37ms. Latency is the time from the start of the stimulus to the threshold. Therefore as the strength of the stimulus increases, the time for an action potential to be generated decreases. Q10. From Graph 2, describe the effect of increasing stimulus duration on the latency of the action potential. The graph shows a larger effect with the lower stimulus strength. For example if the stimulus strength is 50mA/cm2 and the duration is 0.5 the latency is 0.59ms and if the duration is 5ms the latency is 0.57. However, if the stimulus strength is 10mA/cm2 and the duration is 1ms the latency is 2.01ms and if the duration increases to 3ms the latency is 1.62ms. Latency is the time from the start of the stimulus to the threshold. Therefore as the duration of the stimulus increases, the time for an action potential to be generated decreases. Sodium permeability increase in membrane Number of sodium channel open increaseQ11. Draw a simple flow diagram to illustrate the positive feedback cycle that results in the rapid depolarizing phase of the action potential. Activation gates open Membrane depolarises Stimulus causing to reach threshold Positive feedback Charge of cell increases causing depolarisation Influx of sodium into cell increase Q12. What event at the ion channel level terminates the above cycle? 1ms after the activation gate open the inactivation gate closes. This is a delay response of the depolarisation. The channel is now incapable of opening until it reaches near resting potential; this is when the inactivation gate opens. Therefore the sodium channels closes and sodium ions cant enter the cell. Also the opening of the potassium channels helps terminates this cycle. Q13. What physiological mechanism is responsible for the absolute refractory period? Absolute refractory period is during the depolarisation and most of the repolarisation phase. At this point the sodium channels inactivation gates are closed and the activation gates are open. Therefore the channel is closed and incapable of opening so an action potential cannot be generated by another stimulus in this period. Q14. Explain your observations to simulations C and D in the Methods and Results section. Stimulations C have a lower second stimulus than D. The second stimulus, for C did not generate an action potential but simulation D did. The delay in stimulation C and D is long therefore the membrane is in the relative refractory period. This is suggested by the action potential produced in D because the larger stimulus amplitude. The extra delay in D, compared to B, enables more inactivation gates to open allowing. Also the larger stimulus allows another action potential to be generated. Q15. Briefly summarise two effects that refractory periods impose on the behaviour of neurones (N.B. restatement of the definitions of refractory periods is not what is asked here) There are two types of refractory period absolute and relative. During the absolute refractory period no action potential can be produced. In the relative an action potential can only be produced depending on the strength of the stimulus. Therefore there is a minimum delay required before a second action potential can be generated. Also it controls the frequency of the action potential generated. This period also helps ensure action potential can only move in one direction. Questions to answer after the practical. Q 16 . Most Local anaesthetics are Sodium channel blockers. Describe how these compounds work, the side-effects and what their main clinical uses are. ( max 300 words). Local anaesthetics are weak bases which are used for loss of pain and muscle power so that a particular area of the body becomes numb. When sodium channel blockers, like lidocaine, enter the body it will be equilibrium with the tissue fluid. The anaesthetic will be in its ionised and non-ionised form. The non-ionised form will be able to pass through. It will be become partially ionised and cant leave, ion trapping. The ionised form will bind to the sodium channel. This will prevent sodium ions from entering the cell and therefore it cannot be depolarised. As a result it does not reach threshold and an action potential is not generated. Consequently the nerve cells cant signal to the brain so pain cant be felt or muscle cant be moved. (Tuckley, 1994). There are many different local anaesthetic available with the side effects differing for each drug and. The general side-effects can be, for example, numbness, sickness, lower blood pressure, light headedness and drowsiness. Not all of these are felt by the patient. (Joint Formulary Committee (2010). The anaesthetic can be administered in by several methods, for example, a dentist will use an injection to the mouth. The effect of the anaesthetics will only be felt by the area in which it is injected in. Dentist will use local anaesthetic so that their patient will have loss of pain only in their mouth. Therefore the patient will not be able to feel any pain whilst the dentist carries out the procedure. It is also used for some eye surgery and minor skin surgery. (Tuckley, 1994). Referencing Tuckley, J, M. (1994).The pharmacology of local anaesthetic agents, Pharmacology, 4, 7. Joint Formulary Committee (2010). British National Formulary. (59th ed.). London: Pharmaceutical Press. Q17. Will these compounds work if they dont block all the Na channels ? Why ? (Use your experimental data to help answer this question) During the relative refractory period some channels are open allowing a second action potential to be generated. For example for stimulation D an action potential was produced for the second stimulus because the cell was in its relative refractory period. However for stimulation C an action potential was not produced for the second stimulus, even though the delay was the same. However the second stimulus was larger for D than C. Therefore if the compound does not block all the sodium channels then an action potential may be generated depending on the number of sodium channels blocked and the strength of the stimulus because the concept is very similar to the relative refractory period as some of the channels are not be open but in this case some channels are blocked. In both cases, relative refractory period and local anaesthetic, some channels allow sodium ions to enter the cell. As a result the compound will not work.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Architecture as a Strategy for Crime Control
Architecture as a Strategy for Crime Control Urban Densification: Is it really the solution for sustainable cities? Architecture: The Tool for Crime Control Figure 1. The design of buildings and the arrangement of streets, public spaces and green areas might reduce crime rates The Parque Explora, Medellin, Colombia (American Society of Landscape Architects 2014). The worldwide concern about population growth and rapid urbanisation in many cities around the world has brought with it many social problems affecting sustainability and quality of life. Among the most serious social problems are crime and segregation. There is no doubt that crime and segregation are influenced by a multiplicity of factors such as economic, social, and governmental as well as physical elements (Marzbali et al. 2011). This disorderly expansion and informal settlements are generating empty spaces in the cities, creating a rupture in the urban fabric. Physical elements such as Rivers, railways, freeways even buildings are contributing to this rupture creating Social-Urban Barriers in cities. Katyal (2002) states that Governments need to pay special attention to the built environment towards the reduction of crime and social segregation. The design of buildings and the arrangement of streets, public spaces and green areas can affect the opportunity of crime (Soomeren 2008). The prevention of crime through environmental design or through urban planning and architectural design accompanied by communitys participation has proven to be a useful, effective, and feasible strategy to prevent crime and the sense of insecurity in cities (Marzbali et al. 2011). Countries throughout the world, such as Basil, Colombia, Australia, Japan, and Great Britain have used architectural design techniques to prevent crime. For example, the 2000 Sydney Olympics games, cleverly employed architecture to reduce crime by linking the new facilities with the existing neighbourhood (footpaths and streets), increasing street lighting in footpaths, modifying landscapes and creating visibility around sta diums (Katyal 2002). Therefore, this helped to increase profits, reduce incidents, and improvement on accessibility and enjoyment of the events. Figure 2. Sydney Olympic Park Railway Station Architects cleverly modified landscapes and created visibility around facilities ( 2006). A large number of experiments have shown that the number of certain types of crime can be reduced by modifying the opportunity to commit a crime in the built environment without having to move the place where the crime takes place (Marzbali et al. 2011). One of the most well-known and used methodologies for crime prevention around the world is the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). The CPTED approach starts from the premise that, in certain spaces, crimes are the result of the opportunities offered by the same physical environment (The State of Queensland 2007). This provides the basis for proposing that in order to reduce the likelihood of crimes, it is necessary to alter the physical environment. The strategies employed in this approach are (1) passive or natural surveillance; (2) natural access control; (3) territorial reinforcement and (4) maintenance (Katyal 2002). In addition, Katyal (2002) explains that the design should create opportunities for natural sur veillance by residents, neighbours and visitors and instil a sense of territoriality so that residents to develop proprietary attitudes and outsiders feel deterred from entering a private space. So, the goal is to build communities and avoid social segregation. A good example of the prevention of crime through environmental design or through urban planning and architecture has been taken place in Medellà n, Colombia, the former The worlds most violent city, which, by providing quality public transport to marginalized areas (Metrocable), improvement of public space, creation of library parks (active all day), accompanied by other policies to promote vitality in the community (such as the creation of businesses), gave rise to the recovery of a marginal neighbourhood and the reduction of crime (Medina 2014). Figure 3. As part of an extensive urban integration project in a huge informal settlement in Medellà n, Colombia, the recently-constructed system of escalators with public squares and balconies addresses serious problems regarding connectivity, security and coexist (Jordana 2013). Undoubtedly interventions of the built environment allow preventing crime by fostering life on the streets and building communities, as well as improving social sustainability in cities. Architects, Urban Planners and others design professionals should take into consideration the surrounding environment in order to reduce crime rates. This intervention also requires among others, a properly functioning police force and criminal justice systems along with a model of economic development that creates viable opportunities to escape poverty and reduce social inequality. References Jordana, Sebastian. 2013. Awards Competition Boosts Momentum of Sustainable Construction., accessed 27-03-2017. Katyal, Neal Kumar 2002. Architecture as Crime Control. The Yale Law Journal 111 (1039):1039-1139. Marzbali, Massoomeh Hedayati, Aldrin Abdullah, Nordin Abd Razak, and Mohammad Javad Maghsoodi Tilaki. 2011. A Review of the Effectiveness of Crime Prevention by Design Approaches towards Sustainable Development. Journal of Sustainable Development 4 (1). doi: Medina, Salvador. 2014. La ciudad como estrategia preventiva contra el crimen [The city as a preventive strategy against crime.]., accessed 23-03-2017. 2006. Sydney Olimpic Park., accessed 27-03-2017. Soomeren, Paul Van. 2008. Prevencià ³n de la delincuencia mediante el diseà ±o ambiental y mediante el espacio urbano y arquitectà ³nico [Prevention of crime through environmental design and urban and architectural space]. Fundacià ³n Democracia y Gobierno Local y Diputacià ³ de Barcelona:273-306. The State of Queensland. 2007. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design. Guidelines for Queensland 1. Jordana, Sebastian. 2013. Awards Competition Boosts Momentum of Sustainable Construction., accessed 27-03-2017. Katyal, Neal Kumar 2002. Architecture as Crime Control. The Yale Law Journal 111 (1039):1039-1139. Marzbali, Massoomeh Hedayati, Aldrin Abdullah, Nordin Abd Razak, and Mohammad Javad Maghsoodi Tilaki. 2011. A Review of the Effectiveness of Crime Prevention by Design Approaches towards Sustainable Development. Journal of Sustainable Development 4 (1). doi: Medina, Salvador. 2014. La ciudad como estrategia preventiva contra el crimen [The city as a preventive strategy against crime.]., accessed 23-03-2017. Soomeren, Paul Van. 2008. Prevencià ³n de la delincuencia mediante el diseà ±o ambiental y mediante el espacio urbano y arquitectà ³nico [Prevention of crime through environmental design and urban and architectural space]. Fundacià ³n Democracia y Gobierno Local y Diputacià ³ de Barcelona:273-306. The State of Queensland. 2007. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design. Guidelines for Queensland 1. American Society of Landscape Architects. 2014. Medellins Social Innovation., accessed 27-03-2017. Jordana, Sebastian. 2013. Awards Competition Boosts Momentum of Sustainable Construction., accessed 27-03-2017. Katyal, Neal Kumar 2002. Architecture as Crime Control. The Yale Law Journal 111 (1039):1039-1139. Marzbali, Massoomeh Hedayati, Aldrin Abdullah, Nordin Abd Razak, and Mohammad Javad Maghsoodi Tilaki. 2011. A Review of the Effectiveness of Crime Prevention by Design Approaches towards Sustainable Development. Journal of Sustainable Development 4 (1). doi: Medina, Salvador. 2014. La ciudad como estrategia preventiva contra el crimen [The city as a preventive strategy against crime.]., accessed 23-03-2017. Soomeren, Paul Van. 2008. Prevencià ³n de la delincuencia mediante el diseà ±o ambiental y mediante el espacio urbano y arquitectà ³nico [Prevention of crime through environmental design and urban and architectural space]. Fundacià ³n Democracia y Gobierno Local y Diputacià ³ de Barcelona:273-306. The State of Queensland. 2007. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design. Guidelines for Queensland 1. Katyal, Neal Kumar 2002. Architecture as Crime Control. The Yale Law Journal 111 (1039):1039-1139. Marzbali, Massoomeh Hedayati, Aldrin Abdullah, Nordin Abd Razak, and Mohammad Javad Maghsoodi Tilaki. 2011. A Review of the Effectiveness of Crime Prevention by Design Approaches towards Sustainable Development. Journal of Sustainable Development 4 (1). doi: Medina, Salvador. 2014. La ciudad como estrategia preventiva contra el crimen [The city as a preventive strategy against crime.]., accessed 23-03-2017. Netherlands Architecture Institute. 2013. Parque Explora., accessed 27-03-2017. Soomeren, Paul Van. 2008. Prevencià ³n de la delincuencia mediante el diseà ±o ambiental y mediante el espacio urbano y arquitectà ³nico [Prevention of crime through environmental design and urban and architectural space]. Fundacià ³n Democracia y Gobierno Local y Diputacià ³ de Barcelona:273-306. The State of Queensland. 2007. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design. Guidelines for Queensland 1. Katyal, Neal Kumar 2002. Architecture as Crime Control. The Yale Law Journal 111 (1039):1039-1139. Marzbali, Massoomeh Hedayati, Aldrin Abdullah, Nordin Abd Razak, and Mohammad Javad Maghsoodi Tilaki. 2011. A Review of the Effectiveness of Crime Prevention by Design Approaches towards Sustainable Development. Journal of Sustainable Development 4 (1). doi: Medina, Salvador. 2014. La ciudad como estrategia preventiva contra el crimen [The city as a preventive strategy against crime.]., accessed 23-03-2017. Soomeren, Paul Van. 2008. Prevencià ³n de la delincuencia mediante el diseà ±o ambiental y mediante el espacio urbano y arquitectà ³nico [Prevention of crime through environmental design and urban and architectural space]. Fundacià ³n Democracia y Gobierno Local y Diputacià ³ de Barcelona:273-306. The State of Queensland. 2007. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design. Guidelines for Queensland 1.
Strategic Planning Paper -- essays research papers
The history of strategic planning begins in the military. According to Webster's New World Dictionary, strategy is "the science of planning and directing large-scale military operations, of maneuvering forces into the most advantageous position prior to actual engagement with the enemy" (Guralnic, 1986). Although our understanding of strategy and applying strategic planning in management has been transformed from a point of military maneuvering to one that aim’s to achieve and gives a structured framework to reach a competitive advantage. Taking its name and roots from the military model, early models of formal strategic planning "reflected the hierarchical values and linear systems of traditional organizations. Undertaken by planning functions at the top of the organization, its structure was highly vertical and time-bound. A certain period would be set aside to analyze the situation and decide on a course of action. This would result in a formal document. Once this was done, the actual work of implementation, which was considered a separate, discrete process - could begin" (Wall & Wall, 1995). Although individual definitions of strategy vary between each author, traditionally, theorists have considered planning an essential part of organizational strategy. â€Å"Strategic planning in organizations originated in the 1950s and was very popular and widespread between mid-1960s to mid-1970s, when people believed it was the answer for all problems, and corporate America was obsessed with strategic planning. Following that boom strategic planning had fallen off and was cast aside for over a decade. The 1990s brought the revival of strategic planning as a process with particular benefits in particular contexts†(Mintzberg, 1994). In Here is a brief account of several generations of strategic planning. â€Å" Analysis model dominated strategic planning of the 1950s. The 1960s brought qualitative and quantitative models of strategy. During the early 1980s, the shareholder value model and the Porter model became the standard. The rest of the 1980s was dictated by strategic intent and core competencies, and market-focused organizations. Finally, business transformation became a requirement in the 1990s†(Gouillart, 1995). Newer models of strategic planning were f... ...s, and action steps to address identified issues. However, having noted some of the benefits that strategic planning can produce, it is important to note that it is not a cure-all. Strategic planning is a time-consuming, labor-intensive process that is not for every organization. It is simply a tool that can be used to help a committed entity work toward becoming more effective. Strategic planning should never be considered an end in itself or a one-time deal. It is not simply a written document that details the activities and results of the planning process. It is also more than the process of analyzing, strategizing, implementing, and benchmarking. No planning process, strategic or otherwise, can succeed without the commitment of key stakeholders and organizational leaders. Strategic planning, to be truly effective, means organizational staff or community residents must think and act strategically each day. Through such daily strategic thinking and acting, "planning" and "process" can be transformed into indivi dual and collective strategic actions that enhance organizational value and effectiveness. This is what makes the strategic planning process valuable.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Debate Regarding the Freedmans Bureau Essay -- African American B
The Debate Regarding the Freedman's Bureau Historians and political theorists have delineated the concept of equality into two categories: the competitive individualist notion of equality of process and the egalitarian ideal of equality of results. The former is concerned with providing a level playing field for all, while the latter focuses on a just distribution resulting from the process. Richard Ellis, in his book American Political Cultures, challenges the Hartzian thesis that historically Americans favored equality of process over equality of results, making them competitive individualists. Ellis argues that â€Å"what is exceptional about America is not that it lacked a results-oriented vision of equality but that those who favored equalizing results believed that equal process was a sufficient condition for realizing equal results†(Ellis 1993: 44). In other words, the egalitarian spirit was not absent from American history, but Americans believed that justice would best be served through competition. Ellis is correct in making this fine distinction, yet it is important to note that historical evidence suggests that some factions clearly emphasized equality of results regardless of equality of process. In The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois’ recounting of the political debate regarding the Freedman’s Bureau, clearly highlights this ideological difference. Du Bois poignantly captures the necessity for a legal equalizing measure in his description of the tragedy of slavery and the ragged, conflicted nature of the black consciousness that resulted. He writes, â€Å"the facing of so vast a prejudice could not but bring the inevitable self-questioning, self-disparagement, and lowering of ideals which ever accompany repressio... ...ows, that given dire circumstances, Americans indeed turn to measures to ensure equality of results rather than relying on equality of processes. Of course, suffrage left much to be desired for African American equality. Jim Crow laws and other forms of racism continued to plague American society for many decades to follow. Nonetheless, the legacy of the Bureau remains an important part of American political history. It may require extreme instances of human misery, tragedy, and utter inequality (such as the institution of slavery) to highlight a push for equality of results regardless of the processes. This egalitarian ideology clearly is evident in post-Civil War American legislation. Works Cited: Du Bois, W.E.B. 1997. The Souls of Black Folk. Boston: Bedford Books. Ellis, Richard. 1993. American Political Cultures, New York: Oxford University Press.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Reevaluating Union Trade Responses
Since the 1980†³s academia and professionals alike have been picking at the bones of discussion regarding the ‘decline†of Trade Unions, their strategies of ‘survival†and issuing prescriptions as to the most suitable form Trade Unionism can take in order to modernise, compromise and indeed to qualify for a role within the ‘new†workplace. Within this plethora of discussion much is made of placing relevant unions into suitable and identifiable criteria, whether it be the AEEU and it†s ‘Enterprise†unionism or UNISON†s ‘Managerial†unionism. Although these criteria may be suitable within a fixed period or in order to understand a particular situation, the argument remains that they are static and do not necessarily reflect the many forms that unionism can take. Indeed much of the criteria presented is regarding the union as an organisation, as a business even, and in this way does not account the most important factor, that of a Union†s members and the branches within which they interact. Membership and the Collective voice is the foundation of Trade Unionism, it will therefore be argued that faced with a ‘New†Industrial Relations Trade Unions, in this country, have illustrated an uncoordinated approach and have merely tested solutions, moving gradually back to the membership in order to consolidate their position. Naturally there will be those unions who will stay with a tried and tested formula , however with the impending ‘Fairness at Work†legislation unions will be given space to engage their membership rather than attempting to engage managers in attempts at recognition. The reevaluation of union strategies will involve a critical analysis of both set criteria, prescriptions of moderation and a reconsideration of militancy . The argument will thus draw parts of certain ‘criteria†and aim towards methods whereby engagement and resistance may coexist effectively enabling effective ‘partnership†with effective ‘representation†through the education and strong organisation of union members. The term ‘New Industrial Relations†encompasses the change in the workplace, managerial trends, Trade Union strategies and the backdrop against which the play commences and adapts. This backdrop consists of historical, economic and social factors which have influenced industrial relations as it now exists. Much is documented about the gradual transformation of roles that occurred during the 1980†³s and certainly in the 1990†³s; The legislative onslaught upon the Trade Unions, by the Conservative Government, effecting both their financial and organisational strength. The backing and encouragement of the growth of big business, by the Conservative Government, in order to counteract the rise of unemployment and to replace the decline in such traditional areas such as manufacturing. The rise in unemployment effected a fragmentation on the workforce and ended the notion of ‘a job for life†, replacing the full time, dominantly male, workforce was the part time, temporary and the rise of the female workforce, itself transforming society and family roles. As can be seen through this chain of events the traditional base of trade unionism had disintegrated, hailing criticism that trade unionism is no longer relevant to this new workplace, criticisms that were supplemented by a falling membership and a weakened bargaining base. In extension and, to some extent, response to this business and managerial trends were being heavily influenced by both the presence of and the success of international companies who were utilising new management techniques. The two main trends that will be briefly discussed, in regards to their effect on Trade Union renewal, are that of Japanisation and Human Resource Management primarily through the work culture they wish to produce rather than their distinct workplace structures. It is to be noted, in regards to these two trends (which themselves have overlapping features), that two academic criteria have arisen in direct response and with distinct and reflective attributes, these two response criteria are Enterprise Unionism and Managerial Unionism . Enterprise Unionism can be best described in conjunction with the Japanisation of British Industry. Japanisation occurred not only through the presence of Japanese companies in Britain (Hitachi, Nissan etc.) but also through British business†observations of the success if Japanese Business, therefore the matter is twofold with Japanese businesses applying their business culture to their British subsidiaries and British business ‘borrowing†the better parts of Japanisation for themselves. The main aims of Japanese practices is best described by White and Trevor (1983) in that they aim to create: †a stable workforce with a high level of commitment to the company: extremely cooperative in accepting change, extremely unwilling to enter into strikes or any other forms of conflict, and generally putting the company†s interests level with or even ahead of it†s own. The outcome is a high and rising level of productivity, and an altogether easier climate in which management can plan for changes in products and processes†Dedication to the company and its ideals goes one step further when applied to the workplace and the presence of a trade union. The most obvious outcome is that the very existence of a trade union, and in deed it†s historical connotations, points towards an adversarial situation and a separation of ideals and goals. In order to counteract this fragmented relationship ‘Japanisation†also endorses the case for the single union deal. The very notion of the single union deal explains the terminology applied to those unions who seek them, for in order to get the deal one must put forward the best business case. The context and result of this situation is typified by the case of the EETPU and Hitachi, this union deal (being the first of many) can be said to have heightened the debate regarding the direction of Trade Unions and also bringing into question: â€Å"..many of the core concerns of trade unions, including the sanctity of traditional territorial boundaries between one union†s membership constituency and anothers, the extent to which unions should pursue their objectives via a consensual or a conflictual relationship with management, and to the degree to which, in contemporary work settings, unions can influence the ground rules of the union-management relationship, or are subject to managerial definitions of the basis upon which those relationships will operate.†This active approach to single union deals gives rise to the aforementioned case case-putting, more candidly described as the ‘ ‘beauty contest'†These contests, as illustrated by the EETPU deal, can result in no strike deals , pendulum arbitration and the creation of Employee Board. Employee Boards may or may not include union reps and indeed their very existence has led to some critics to argue that such agreements ‘bind unions through institutional subordination to company councils†(Ogasawara and Stewart, 1992) . This obvious circumvention of traditional representative channels and the active promotion of employer friendly unionism could entail the union become a mere rubber stamp or an empty shell, and is itself an argument for internal organisation to build internal strength before these deals are even considered. A further criticism of this approach can be drawn from two AEU deals with Nissan and Toyota whereby recognition, via a single union agreement, was given before recruitment took place, taking potential memberships choice out of the equation and leaving no real alternative in regards to union response. Justifiably the EETPU and the AEU are the epitome of Enterprise Unionism, their subsequent merger and their steady gain of membership perhaps promote their tactics. These tactics, however, give rise to the questions as to whether numbers are more important than effective representation, admittedly the larger the union, the louder its voice, however when this voice is muted by employer dictated deals the situation does require a reconsideration of a union†s aims and objectives. If business Unionism is placed at the far right of the union response spectrum, then the Managerial Union can be placed in the middle due to it†s response to the individualisation of the contract and work experience by Human Resource Management (HRM) HRM can be seen as focusing upon the individual at work, with an emphasis on flexibility, training and pay and rewards, emphasising a rhetoric of joint aims between the Employer and Employee. It is the main strand of this rhetoric, individualisation, that can be seen as the most active in the modern workforce. In response to this individualisation and the decline of collective bargaining that the rise of the managerial servicing relationship can be seen: â€Å"We†¦need to see our members as our customers. As sophisticated users of services, people will make choices depending on what impresses them about a particular company or product and what is in it for them. They have become used to high standards and have expectations based on those standards. It is in this framework of customer choice, that unions increasingly have to stake their claim to recruitment. We need to reassess what people really want from a union and what will make them join.†This trend towards consumerism is often coupled with a reorganisation of union structure to encompass a servicing relationship in regards to the new workforce. This structural change can be seen in both the GMB, MSF†s and UNISON†s structures that promote representative channels for women, young people, ethnic minorities and disabled workers . These channels are themselves serviced by Full Time Officers. A structural description of a servicing relationship is given by Bob Carter and Gavin Poynter (fig.1). Within this structure it is clearer to see how this form of unionism could facilitate a partnership at work, it†s reliance on full time officers allows for a direct filtering down of National Policy and can circumvent the actions of any ‘unattractive†activism, which is further weakened by a reliance on the union for advice. This is an integral approach on behalf of unions, such as UNISON, who ‘increasingly came to advance the concept of a well- disciplined, politically sensitive and well-coordinated approach to†¦trade unionism†(Terry, 1996) . Terry goes further stating that COHSE and NUPE ‘were concerned that the new union would become an ‘activist union†, with the risks that activists might become detached from the members.†This reliance on servicing to circumvent activism has caused the worry of inactivity at branch level and the rise of ‘passive consumerism†, recruitment is not being paired with strong organisation at branch level. This idea of creating an active branch is illustrated by the TGWU past and present campaigns , which further illustrate the problems of a servicing relationship and the possibilities of a future of self-organising unionism, an approach that UNISON itself has recently approached on with it†s ‘Beactive†Campaign. This response can also be seen as an indication that mere moderancy and partnership do not necessarily reap much reward in regards to members. With an emphasis on Organising and therefore transforming the relationship from â€Å"what can the union do for me?†towards a more proactive ‘What can we do for our union?†, unions can only nurture such a relationship through the realisation that the antagonistic relationship between worker and employee is a continual matter that needs to be addressed in collective strength: â€Å"The policy question for unions would thus appear to be how to adapt collective organization to meet new circumstances rather than how to replace it with passive consumerism†(Kelly and Waddington 1995)  Kelly illustrates this argument with evidence regarding the falling success rate of unions in regards to recognition cases, the marginalising of Stewards and most interestingly the view of the strike being beneficial in terms other than those directly involved. Kelly argues that strikes retain and in some cases recruit members through the illustration of a Union†s strength and commitment to the Collective with the prospect of a heightening of the ideology of conflictual interests among this Collective. The most important part of Kelly†s argument is it†s acceptance and recognition of external constraints, namely the managerial and economic trends outlined previously ,in recognition of these constraints it would be necessary to add to Kelly†s theory the need for effective training and education of lay officials in the responses to these techniques in order to achieve the pragmatism that Kelly prescribes. Resistance to any new Employer technique can be seen as a natural response to anything ‘new†however Trade Unions need to ensure that lay officials are able to recognise benefits and pitfalls and approach likewise. A National Policy of Servicing and Partnership do not translate well at workplace level causing alienation of activists and poor responses as can be seen by the TGWU experience at Volvo in the 1990†³s, the insight to which is provided by one of Volvo†s Swedish Managers: â€Å"When I moved here in December 1990 the problem we had was not so much the people as the way the way they were used to working, especially on the union side†¦.the problem we had with the union was that they did not have enough information or knowledge needed to bring out their point of view. It is important that when dealing with a system you have to have a strong union with strong people who work well and believe in what they do†¦ takes a long time and that is what has happened here†¦That is a result of history, because they have not trusted the manager and they are not used to doing things themselves and taking responsibility for change†(Swedish Production Director, Workington) The cycle of this achievement can be formualised as: issueg organisationg educationg unityg action . Moderate Unionism ignores the potential of issues to unite it†s membership, the servicing model may recognise the issues but does not give the issue to the member to understand and merely prescribes a National Policy, Enterprise Unionism has no real strength behind any action to place upon an issue. It is these weaknesses which beg the return to the Traditions of Militancy with a ‘new†informed attitude. There is no indication that Trade Unions are about to go the ‘way of the dinosaurs†however they could well seal the fate bestowed upon them by Basset and Cave ( that of a mere provider of services). This fate can only be provided by recognising that traditional antagonisms still exist and recruit and organise around this while still engaging the realisation that parts of the New Industrial Relations are beneficial to workers. Moderation in Unions is not effective as a National Policy, indeed not even realistic, whereas the empowerment of members through democratic structures within the Union will build a strong organisation which can recognise and compromise with managerial trends on its own terms could well hold them in good stead. It is within this context that renewal, rather than replacement, can be viewed. The future context of these arguments will make interesting viewing namely the impending ‘Fairness at Work†legislation and the Trade Union recruitment of Young Workers, in order to contract the demographic change occurring within it†s membership, whether Trade Unions will achieve a cultural change which will nurture a new generation of activists could well determine the future of the role of Trade Unions and depends very much on the Unions ability to Acheve rather than receive members. Reevaluating Union Trade Responses The following report shall analyse the importance of the implementation of the marketing philosophy and shall highlight the importance off this idea to be shared by all functions within the company including top management, finance, production right down to the customer service representatives. The report will also attempt to measure the degree and success of such an implementation with respect to the Ford Motor Co. Henry Ford started his working life as an engineer for the Edison Lighting Company Detroit, in 1884. Ford by chance, came across a science journal written by Nicholas Otto, a German engineer who was developing the internal combustion engine. Ford became very interested, some say infatuated, and he decided to build his own. In the Following years Ford have become the worlds second largest car manufacturer in the world. Until recent years the Ford Motor Co have famously used the production concept. An example of this is when â€Å"Henry Fords whole business philosophy was to protect the production of the Model T so that its costs could be reduced and in turn more people could afford it. He once joked you can have it in any colour as long as it was black.†(Kotler, 1996) Since falling behind the Japanese manufacturers in customer focus and service terms, Ford have quickly changed their focus and concept and are attempting to implement an all pervading marketing philosophy in order to â€Å"win back the confidence of consumers†. â€Å"Marketing must now pervade a business†entire operation to win the confidence of consumers†. (Jane Simms, Marketing Nov 23, 2000) â€Å"The marketing concept provides a single prescription for running a business successfully. The consumer must be recognised and accepted as the focal point for all business activities and knowledge of consumer needs and wants should be a starting point for all major business decisions†. (Raymond and Barkinsale, corporate strategic planning and corporate marketing, Business Horizons, Vol 32, no3, 1989). These definitions clearly indicate the pivotal role that a marketing philosophy and consumer focus play in the success of an organisation, if properly shared by all functions. â€Å"The marketing philosophy can be expressed as the means of operating within an organizational philosophy, the philosophy will be regarded as the medium which governs all organizational life†. (Robert E. Morgan, Management decision, 1996). This quote signifies how marketing can exist and operate as a company†s whole business philosophy. An example of a company who has begun to implement the marketing philosophy throughout all functions with considerable success is Ford Motor Co. After falling sales revenue due to focusing on production and finance orientations, Ford decided to become a market-oriented organisation. â€Å"The market oriented firm is one which successfully applies the marketing concept. The term â€Å"market oriented†is preferred to â€Å"marketing oriented†as this highlights the organisational wide application†. (Sonny Nwanko, Journal of consumer marketing, Vol 12, Nov 1995). Fords Application of the Marketing philosophy Ford is zeroing in on the consumer and is currently in the first year of a five-year revitalisation plan to get back to basics and rebuild relationships with customers through the organization wide marketing philosophy. According to Fords General marketing manager Daryl Hazel â€Å"our aim is to transform Ford from a solid performer as an automotive manufacturer to a superior performer as a customer focused company†. Ford realise that their success in this proposed change: â€Å"Depends on the degree of implementation of the marketing concept throughout the company†. (Bernard, 1987) Ford is just one company who realise that the marketing must not be confined to the marketing department but must be organisational wide pervading all functions. Ford has used marketing for many years in the form of advertising and public relations. Now Ford are using the marketing discipline throughout the organisation they are achieving far better results. However, many companies struggle in implementing this concept due to a lack of understanding. â€Å"Much of the confusion over the years in defining marketing and understanding the marketing concept results from a failure to make these three distinctions between marketing as a culture, as a strategy and as a tactic†(Webster, 1992) This quote is referring to the error that many companies make that marketing is simply just advertising and selling rather than identifying the needs and wants of their customers and satisfying these desires through marketing information and strategies. Ford have attempted to combat such errors by hiring more marketing people who understand these concepts and are able to clearly outline the company†s marketing objectives in order for all staff to understand these objectives, and in turn create satisfied customers. In order to satisfy these customers Ford must truly understand the psychological and social factors, which determines the customers†action. â€Å"Market orientation is the organisation wide generation of market intelligence pertaining to current and future customer needs, dissemination of the intelligence across departments an organisation wide responsiveness to it†. (Kohli and Jaworski 1990) This highlights that in order to maximise the relationship with a customer through marketing, a strong intelligence system must be developed to understand the current expectancy level of the customers. To enable Ford to gain this information they conducted a market research survey of existing customers and discovered that after sales service was of paramount importance to their customers. Ford then devised and implemented a new customer service department, providing solutions and care to their customers. This came in the form of Ford Business Solutions allowing one point of contact for the customer without them being shunted around between departments looking for the appropriate member of staff to deal with their problem. This allowed relationships between the company and customer to flourish. By significantly differentiating themselves from their competitors Ford have created outstanding value for their customers and also in turn they will find it easier to quickly anticipate their customers forthcoming needs due to the better understanding of the customer. This clearly illustrates the marketing philosophy permeating through the company and adheres to the following definition. â€Å"Placing a major emphasis on the analysis of the target markets needs and wants, and delivering the desired satisfaction more efficiently and effectively than competitors†. (Kotler 1996). The next step in the marketing objectives outlined by Ford was to assign brand managers to each product line. The main reason for this was to enable them to clearly understand the target market that a particular product line was aimed at, and in turn improve effectiveness and develop this consumer orientation accordingly. â€Å"The necessity for firms to identify the basic customer needs and wants and define their product accordingly†(Levitt, 1960). This idea has been clearly illustrated in the tactics employed by the brand managers of Ford. The customers who buy different products require different features and benefits from them and the brand managers at Ford must try to understand this and differentiate their product from similar products offered by competitors. An example of this within Ford is what added extras now come as standard with the product due to the customers needs and expectations escalating. Air conditioning, air bags, power steering and A.B.S. are features, which would have been paid for as extras only a few years ago, are now however appearing on the standard model of most of the Ford cars. This indicates that the brand managers, manufacturing team and the product development staff are effectively utilizing the marketing concept. â€Å"We have had some very innovative ideas and campaigns as a result of having people focus on a particular market†. (Hazel, Marketing manager Ford). The production and design team were also educated in the marketing concept to ensure this newly adopted marketing philosophy reached all functions of the business. By introducing the production and design team to strategies such as market research they were able to understand the customer they were designing and building the product for. Through this research it was discovered that the customer no longer wanted the box shaped cars which the majority of car manufacturers were producing, but the consumers were beginning to desire a more aero dynamic look. Ford was able to react extremely quickly to this by releasing models such as the Ford KA and the Ford Focus. Older models such as the Ford Fiesta were rejuvenated and also giving a new aero dynamic shape. â€Å"This promotes a more pragmatic assessment of the market place – one which is likely to reveal the customer as being at the heart of the organisations strategy process – a partner of the organisation†. (Nwanko, 1995). â€Å"A truly high profile customer oriented organisation will, for example define its product in customer specific terms†. (Nwanko, 1995). Ford achieved this through the launch of a customer magazine. The Ford magazine plays a pivotal role in the development of customer loyalty and prospecting programme to cement and improve Fords position as the United Kingdoms number one car manufacturer. The marketing philosophy is the major focus within the magazine; this is highlighted in a study using 40 focus groups concentrating on the target audiences and to create a reader empathy with a major feature on â€Å"Why I love my Ford†a photojournalism essay rare in such customer magazines. This allows Ford to build strong relationships with the customers. Ford has also understood that measuring the satisfaction of the customers is a key element in the marketing philosophy. Therefore in addition to the thoughts on the product survey they have introduced a satisfaction and service experience survey. Studies are done as early as 90 days and as long as four years after the initial purchase. This definitely implies that Ford are beginning to successfully implement and understand the importance of this concept and how all departments have a part to play. Ford brand sales and service satisfaction continues to improve every month and so far in 2002, both measures are indicating an all time high. This would clearly indicate that there is a certain degree of success with the introduction of the marketing philosophy and highlights the importance of it being shared by all functions in customer terms. Internal and third party measures of satisfaction provided by Ford credit and Hertz are also tracked. The customer in the provider contract category in a 2001 consumer financing study rated Ford credit highest. Internal satisfaction studies showed 84 percent of customers who finance or lease with Ford credit were completely or very satisfied and 90 percent would recommend Ford credit to friends and family members. With the introduction of such ventures throughout the organisation it would appear Ford have a high degree of implementation of the marketing philosophy through all functions within the organisation. â€Å"The marketing philosophy focuses directly on three key issues of customer orientation, integrated effort and profit direction†. (McGee and Spiro, 1998) This quote highlights the three key aspects of the marketing philosophy and it would appear that Ford have adhered to this basic framework, although it is imperative that Ford do not rest on their laurels and must continue to develop this philosophy to maintain market share or achieve potential growth. The aim must be to move to the next level of connecting with customers, and how they can introduce the new products they are launching to them. One key tactic, which would allow Ford to do this would be to attempt through marketing communications to latch onto a few small differences between their own products and the products offered by competitors and advertise these differences heavily. Managers at Ford must also continue to be aware of the crucial role that market research can play in the company achieving this customer orientation. The role of market research in a customer orientation context is of extreme importance. It is imperative that Ford continue to constantly conduct market research in order to identify new and existing customers and their needs, help to set performance indicators, and in monitoring the companies†performance progress and finally to gain the information to help with the successful introduction of any changes. Such a process would ensure the continued development of the marketing philosophy through the organisation. If Ford can do this they will continue to be successful in the implementation of the marketing philosophy. â€Å"Research indicates that companies which focus on boosting loyalty among customers and staff will reap the long term benefits†. (Donkin, 1997) Ford must also understand that to achieve this the top level management must be focused on the marketing orientation. â€Å"The pursuit of customer driven goals requires, first and foremost, a customer oriented attitude on the part of the organisations top leaders and customer driven organisational systems†. (Felton, 1959) Therefore top management must be aware that to effectively implement this marketers should be leading cross functional teams to ensure this pan company marketing works as these marketers would ensure the following was properly managed: â€Å"Customer focused techniques such as total customer experience and customer relationship management and correctly measuring every part of the organisation was evaluated against what it has contributed to these factors†. (Simms, 2000). â€Å"Strategic customer orientation management presents a new opportunity for organisations and should be regarded as a positive and competitive marketing tool. A way forward is for managers to pay serious attention to the internal dynamics of the organisation: systems and structure, which were supportive of, and well attained to an overall culture of customer orientation†(Nwanko, 1995) Ford are a company who seem to have understood this idea and set up a structure which allows support for all functions of the organisation to optimise the results of the customer orientation and hopefully gain new customers through this and retain existing customers in order to expand the business. It is clear that Ford have had considerable success due to implementing the marketing philosophy throughout all internal functions of the organisation functions, however they must continue to develop this using the recommendations previously made. Constant monitoring of customers and their needs and wants in conjunction with analysing the actions of competitors is imperative for Ford to maintain or grow their market share .If Ford can do this they will have achieved their ambition of transforming from a solid performer as an automotive manufacturer to a superior performer as a customer focused company.
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